Chapter 7

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Summer meant time off from school but also part-time jobs. Luckily for you, Jane's daycare was looking for some help and with some good words from Ji Eun and the other moms, you got started right away. It would be better for Seokjin as well since you could just take her there in the morning and home after school ends. They insisted on paying you for the trouble, but you declined. They've done so much already and it would be the only time you see Jane. This time, it's been easier to avoid Yoongi. After that night, Ji Eun came over to visit instead and didn't bug you to come over. She heard what happened and almost kicked Yoongi out of the place but she sensed that he felt guilty, so she gave him another chance. He hasn't made an attempt to apologize and you made peace with that.

It's been a few days at the daycare and you loved every second of it. The best part was seeing parents dropping off their kids and you knew that they would be there to pick them up at the end of the day. It was a hope you never knew for yourself. Well, that's not entirely true. There was Jimin. It's been months since you've seen him. He's been busy with work and wedding planning. You had promised to help him out when summer comes and it's been a theme in your life of people offering to pay for things you would do for free. But Jimin is already paying for the apartment, so you couldn't ask for more.

Your duties at the daycare included greeting parents in the morning and taking the kids inside for breakfast. Then you helped the other teachers prepare lesson plans, which primarily included what to do and not to do, like don't talk to strangers and be respectful with their parents. You never got to attend daycare yourself, so it was fascinating to see what it was supposed to be for. Jimin was the one who took care of you while your mother was out doing who knows what. There were times where she would be gone for days on ends and Jimin had to beg the neighbors to give you guys their leftovers. It was amazing how no one questioned why two young children were left alone at home, but it was a small town, no one wanted to involve themselves.

The day was over in an instant. On cue, a line of tired-face parents formed to pick up their children. Despite being exhausted, they didn't fail to show their children their best smile. Jane played with her toys while patiently waiting for you to finish. The teachers insisted that you take her home early and Jane perked up at the chance to go home and play with Ji Hoon.

Her hand swinging in yours, she excitedly skips on the sidewalk. "Be careful," you warned. You were worried she might slip from your hand and collide into the oncoming traffic. But as fate would have it, one of her shoes flew onto the road. Luckily, it was still near the sidewalk. You instructed her to stay put while you went to retrieve it. It sat a few feet from the curb and as you bent down, you heard tired screeching. A car was near rounding the corner and because you were bent down, it didn't see you.

This was it, you thought, this was how you would die. Instinctively, you closed your eyes, awaiting for the metal to slam your body. But it never did. The only thing that did collide with your body was another body. Someone had pulled you back and the two of you fell onto the sidewalk, his arm shielding your head from the concrete. When you opened your eyes, you were met with his piercing glare. You almost wished you were dead. His eyes softened for a second as he held you in place. He scanned your face for any injury and was relieved when he found none. It dawned on him that the two of you had been laying on the ground for quite a long time and a crowd was gathering to see the odd couple. He quickly stood up, patted himself clean, and began walking away.

You pulled at his wrist carefully. "You're hurt," you informed. He looked down at his elbow, the one that supported your head, it was bleeding. Without thinking, you held his wrist with one hand and Jane with the other and walked to the nearest convenient store. Yoongi thought about yanking himself free of your grasp, but he couldn't muster up the courage. He had been wanting to see you to apologize for that night. This would be his chance of getting rid of the guilt, nothing more.

You got Jane an ice cream cone to keep her distracted while you cleaned up Yoongi's wound. He watched you in silence, probably judging your medical skills. "Jimin used to get in a lot of fights, so I got pretty good at bandaging his cuts and bruises."

Yoongi heard from Ji Eun that Jimin is your brother, so he nodded along. "Why did he get into fights?"

You were just as surprised as he was that he had asked something. "Uh, the boys in our old neighborhood liked to pick on us, me in particular because I was easy to tease. Jimin's a protective brother. He chased the monsters away." Yoongi watched as you relive some of those memories and he felt even worse for making you sad.

"Where is he at now?"

"He lives with his fiance in another part of town. His company is busy with debuts so I haven't been able to talk to him much." you explained. "But thank you for saving me," you smiled, looking right at him.

He felt his cheeks getting hot and looked abruptly away. "You should be careful. Next time, I might not be there to pull you back."

"I will."

"And if you get hurt, Jane might get hurt too. And then it'll just be a bother for everyone." It came out harsher than he had intended. He meant to say if you got hurt, people would get worried, people like him.

You swallowed back your tears, "Oh, right, sorry. I'll be careful to not hurt her or anyone."

Fuck, he thought to himself. He messed up again. 

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