Chapter 2

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There were weights dangling from your eyelids. You were exhausted, from writing that final paper from psychology to student teaching to babysitting Jane. But you can't complain about it, they kept you busy and gave you a sense of purpose. What didn't make you feel good was the feedback you got on the rough draft. While it was informative and meets the requirement, the professor felt like it was too impersonal. Your eyebrows furrowed when she said that comment. It's an academic research paper, you were only supposed to check off items that were required, you didn't know you needed to be emotional about it.

"You have to connect more to your audience and those you're studying," the professor added. "How else do you expect to understand people?" You nodded. It was the whole reason you wanted to be a psychology major, to understand why people act the way they do. But that's easier said than done, because it required you to also be vulnerable and put yourself out there. You were scared of building bridges that could be burned down in the blink of an eye. Nonetheless, you agreed to her suggestions and decided to rewrite certain parts. You just needed to find a worthy subject to truly analyze. After spending half an hour staring at the screen with no progress, you decided to take a walk around the block. Considering the park is always full of kids and interesting characters, you ought to find something intriguing. You actually thought about doing a study on Jane and her deviance from other children considering the extent of her nightmares, but you thought it would be too cruel to put a child through that pain. You would know.

Pastel pink and white flowers decorated the streets. You always thought it was such a romantic scene, like ones in movies where characters always end up happily ever after. Maybe it was possible, it certainly was for the lucky few that you know. For now, at least you still have a lot of things to keep you busy so you wouldn't think about filling the empty spaces inside of you. Jimin tried his best, but he has his own life and he found someone to provide comfort and be strong when he can't. That's the happy ending he deserves, and one day, you'll find that as well.

Since it was after school, children of all ages filled the playground and park area. Younger kids explored plastic castles and mountains while older ones played soccer. Parents observed and quietly supported the children from the sideline. That feeling was unfamiliar to you, to have a parietal figure watch your dance competitions or go to high school recitals. But at least there was Jimin, so you weren't completely alone. As you watched children playing, you noticed the familiar pigtails. Jane ran up and hugged your legs.

"Y/N~" she cooed.

"Well hello sweet thing, what are you doing out?" you asked, pinching her cheeks.

"I went to grocery store with daddy," As you looked up, you saw Seokjin carrying an armful of bags. Must be a feast Ji Eun is cooking up tonight, you thought. He was breathless by the tie he caught up to you two.

"Oppa, do you need help?"

Seokjin inhaled loudly, catching his breath, "No...Ji Eun told me I was starting to lose my figure so I'm trying to get a workout in every chance I get."

"Why not go to a gym?" you suggested.

"A face like mine should not be stuck in a room with gross, sweaty teenagers," he huffed. "Anyway, Ji Eun told me you're not coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, I just can't focus on anything but my final paper right now," you sighed.

"Okay, don't overdo it. We'll bring you some leftovers in the morning."

"You're the best," you cheered. The two of them disappeared down the street, flowers covering their path. You wondered why Ji Eun was freaking out so much about dinner or why they needed so many ingredients if it would just be the three of them. You shrugged off the thought and went to get some coffee, you were gonna need it for tonight.

Once again, it's been hours of staring at the screen and nothing. You had no idea how to make it personal or have a subject you could closely study and interact with. Then, like a sign from the heavens, there was a knock on the door. But instead of Ji Eun, it was a gross and sweaty Seokjin. You looked at the time, it was too early for dinner so there wasn't any reason for him to be covered in sweats.

"What's wro-"

"Ji Eun's going into labor!" he exclaimed. You pushed him aside to go to the apartment, where she's laying calmly on the couch. She glanced at her husband and laughed.

"Can you watch Jane and give her dinner?" she asked politely. You've never witnessed anyone going into labor before but she's making this look surprisingly easy. You nodded and the couple rushed out of the house. Well, mainly Seokjin was in a rush, Ji Eun was relaxed and prepared. Jane was in her playroom, moving stuffed animals around for a tea party. She was delighted to see you. After playing for a bit, you cooked her some porridge with the ingredients found in the fridge. Judging by the amount, they must have been expecting company. You enjoyed the quiet dinner with the toddler, who listened to you without questions. If all kids were like her, you wouldn't mind having your own. You wondered what her baby brother will be like.

By Jane's bedtime, you were completely exhausted. After putting her to bed, you collapsed on the spare bed without even turning the lights on. The bed shifted a little but you thought it was your imagination. Thus, you closed your eyes and remained still for the rest of the night.

At the hospital, Seokjin broke out into cold sweats. His wife was reading a magazine on the bed when she noticed her husband's pale face. "The baby hasn't been delivered yet, why do you look so nervous?"

Seokjin gulped, "I forgot to tell Y/N my brother is coming to stay with us and he's sleeping in the guest bedroom."

Ji Eun clicked her tongue, "I'm sure they've figured it out by now."

No, that didn't happen.

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