Chapter 10

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The bus ride was uneventful, except when he laid his head on your shoulder. You froze in place, afraid that if you moved, he would fall and get mad. So you sat motionless the whole way home. It was a bit of work getting him off. The bus driver offered to help since it was his last round for the night but you politely declined. You did not need to draw attention to yourself and you were sure Yoongi wouldn't want someone else touching him. Having you was enough and tomorrow you would surely get a scolding.

It was another journey getting him to the elevator and up to your floor. You hesitated to knock on Ji Eun's apartment. It was late and if you made a commotion, the whole household would wake up and you knew how long it takes for Ji Eun to put the kids to sleep every night. You said a silent prayer and headed to your place instead. Luckily, Yoongi was pretty out of it, so he didn't notice.

Jimin's old room was still vacant. He told you to turn it into a library or something but you didn't have the heart to change anything. You saved it for when he comes over to visit, which was rare now. But it would make a good office in the future. You laid him down gently, tucking his legs underneath the light blanket. Summer nights can still be chilly. You were glad he was wearing comfortable clothing to sleep in. He was asleep now. His black forest hair covered his eyes. You could finally look at his face now without worrying about him catching you. His nose is small and his cheeks are full, like dumplings. You resisted the urge to touch them. His skin is obscurely pale for someone who was abroad. The moonlight cascaded over him, making him more ethereal than usual. It feels strangely natural to be with him like this late at night, as if there was nothing to worry about. You shook your head, feeling forever confused with him. When he had said those things earlier at the company, they did hurt. Your heart tugged as his words pierced through them. You had felt that once with your mom and you swore you would never allow yourself to feel that way ever again. Promises were meant to be broken, you supposed. And when beautiful strangers come into your life, you no longer have a choice.

As you started to walk out the door, you heard him whimpering in his sleep the way puppies do when they're far from their caretakers. His eyes were still closed but he clenched the blanket so tightly, you thought he would bleed. You rushed back to his side, whispering that everything is okay. Sweats formed in his forehead and he was crying. Jane was the same way and you did what you would do for her. Your voice slowly filled the room like the moonlight. It was a collection of lullabies you've learned from foster families. You were so young that you could only remember fragments of each son and never the whole thing. You could see his grips loosening on the blanket. His eyebrows unfurrowed and his breathing became almost normal. When you stopped singing, you were afraid to leave his side. Gingerly and carelessly, you tucked yourself next to him, while being as far as the bed would allow you.

The window in Yoongi's room was thick and completely black, discouraging the sunlight from entering. So he was in awe when he felt warm patches on his face as he was waking up. He was also astonished that he slept the whole night. Even with the alcohol, it shouldn't have kept him asleep for as long as it did. To his horror and delight, he found that he was not alone on the bed. Laying near the edge was you. He turned carefully to face you. The sunlight illuminated your body. Your baby hair was golden in the sunlight and he was mesmerized. Without thinking, he reached out to touch your cheek. Soft, as he had expected, and warm, like dumplings. He gently pushed your hair back behind your ear so that he could see your entire face. Beautiful, he thought to himself. He would never allow that word to come out of his mouth, just like he swore he wouldn't let himself be near you. But shit happens and now he feels too exhausted to hide much longer. He leaned closer, close enough to catch your scent. Lavender, it was soothing.

It was then that your eyes slowly opened. The blurred figure in front of you began to materialize into a defined shape. Yoongi, you suddenly remembered and the shock caused you to fall off the bed. Yoongi kicked back the blanket to offer you a hand. "T-thanks," you managed to say, feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed that he found you once again in the same bed without his permission. But you had sort of already braced yourself for the scolding last night.

"Why am I here?" he asked. He knew, he was curious as to what you would say.

"Hoseok called since he knew we lived next to each other," you answered awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't know what to do so I just took you back to my place."

"Would have been nice if you had at least let me sleep by myself," he scoffed.

It was definitely too early for this. "Again, I'm sorry. But you were having a nightmare and I couldn't leave you alone. You were mumbling something too, like you were trying to get away from someone." You moved closer to him, feeling the undeniable urge to touch him. "Are you okay?"

His eyes widened as he moved swiftly away. "That's none of your business," he huffed. It was the only thing he felt vulnerable about, his past, his shameful past. "And next time, don't come. I don't need you to help me. I would have been fine on my own. Just stay away from me."

You exhaled, "Maybe you should have just let that car run me over, since you seem to regret it so much."

He blinked, "What?"

"It's clear that my whole existence just bothers you."

Yoongi bit his lips to stop himself from going over to you, "You're absurd if you think I regret it," he grumbled.

"Enlighten me then, what are you feeling?" you shrugged.


"You're confused?" you exasperate. "What about me? One minute you're saving my life and the next you tell me to stay away from you. That's confusing Yoongi."

He scratched his head, "It's a long story," he sighed. Here goes nothing. "C'mon, I'll go make breakfast."

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