Chapter 11

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He moved gracefully in the kitchen. Despite not knowing where a lot of things were, his movement was natural. When he said he would make breakfast, you felt small remembering you hadn't gone grocery shopping so there were just a few eggs and milk in the fridge. Yoongi sighed, making a mental note to tell Ji Eun to give you some food later. You were still shocked, perhaps at the fact that he wanted to stay and make you breakfast, or the fact that he wanted to talk to you on his own free will.

You watched anxiously as he delivered the omelette to the table. It smelled of heaven. All you wanted to do was dig in but you waited for him to sit down. "Eat," he commanded in a softer tone. You obeyed. His omelette was a lot smaller than yours and suddenly you felt self-conscious. "I'm not that hungry," he explained, as if he had read your mind.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" you asked after a mouthful of eggs.

"Do you know anything about Seokjin and I's family?"

You shook your head, "All I know is that your parents are divorced. Like I said the first time I met you, I didn't know he had a brother."

"It's probably for the better," he shrugged. "But I'll tell you our story."

"Let me ask you one thing first," He hummed a response, gesturing for you to continue. "Why are you telling me this? Don't you hate me?"

"Maybe after I tell you, it'll answer your question." He paused, taking a scoop of eggs. "My parents separated when I was 3, Seokjin was 4. After countless court sessions, my mother got custody of Seokjin, leaving me with my father. He took me to the States where most of his families were at. He was a monster. Never once told me he loved me or asked how I'm doing. He wanted to groom me to be his perfect son, since he couldn't with Seokjin, who would have fit that mold much better. He let his next wife physically abuse me, and when I fought back, he sent me to boarding school. I was glad that I got a chance to get away from him. But of course, he had the teachers spy on me and reported back to him everything I did, even when I used the bathroom," he chuckled. "Sorry. But anyway, he wanted me to go to Yale for law but of course I rebelled and went to some community college instead and studied music. I was 18 then, so legally I didn't need him anymore. So after college, I ended up here."

"Okay, and how does that answer my questions?"

He pouted slightly, "Oh, forgot about those." He bit the inside of his cheek, "I'm not good with emotions and attachment stuff. I don't like getting close to people, friends are temporary. I'm worried that if I got close to someone..."

"They'll leave?"

He nodded, "Even my mom didn't want me."

"What happened to her?" you asked. "Seokjin never talks about his family."

"She died a couple of years ago, around the time Seokjin got married. And it was before I reconnected with him. My father never let me talk to my mother or Seokjin, I had to do some internet digging to find him. It was the same time I got an offer from that company so I needed a place to stay in Korea. And he was so excited to talk to me and to have me back, it almost felt normal."

"Do you hate him? For taking your place?"

"I don't know if it was my place or not. And it wasn't his fault, he couldn't have known what would have happened to me."

"Do you hate your mom?"

He nodded, "I'm trying to be indifferent. But I often question how a mother could leave behind her kid. And now I'll never know."

"I know that all too well," you sighed. He watched intently as you shuffled the eggs around on your plate, knowing that he'd hit a sore subject.

"D-do you want to talk about it?"

"Long story short, my dad died after I was born and my mother left Jimin and I to fight for ourselves basically. She would bring home men every night to have gambling parties and drug circles. Then one day, she left and never came back. We don't know if she's dead or alive and I couldn't care less. Jimin and I were placed in different foster homes. When Jimin became a legal adult, he took me out of the system and raised me until now." Yoongi got up and knelt down before you. You wanted to question him but his finger grazed your cheek, wiping away the tears you hadn't noticed.

"I'm sorry," he offered.

"I used to think friends were temporary too, but if I keep living that way, I'll truly be alone and I don't want that." You turned away. "I don't want that for you either Yoongi."


"What about your nightmares?" you asked, trying to rid yourself of the attention.

Yoongi blinked, "Oh, I see him in my sleep, sometimes he's yelling at me, sometimes it's his wife hitting me, or sometimes it's him standing there, reminding me of where I came from and that I'll never truly escape him."

"And nothing helps?'

"Actually,"he began, standing up and turning his back to you so that you couldn't see his face. "There is one thing."

"There is one thing."

"What is it?"


You gasped, trying to contain your voice. "Me?"

"Well, your voice," he stated. "When you sing, it helps me sleep. It happened the first night I was here and last night too." He felt his ears burning. It must be genetics because Seokjin's ears also turn red when he's embarrassed.

"Oh," was all you could say. Suddenly a crazy idea rushed to your mind. "Yoongi, you need sleep and you need to not have those nightmares anymore. I can help you with that."

"What?" he taunted. "You're gonna sing me to sleep every night."


His eyes widened. "Why would you do that for me?"

"Because I'm your friend, whether you like it or not. And you're gonna help me with something too."

"What is it?"

"It's just a paper, I'll explain more later. But do we have a deal?"

Yoongi thought about it for a second. He didn't really have anything to lose, maybe his sanity. He felt strange that someone wanted to help him, even if it was an exchange of something else. Still, he felt a genuineness in you that he hadn't seen from anyone else in a long time. And the recording of you singing couldn't put him to sleep, so he might as well agree. With that, a handshake took place and the deal was set. 

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