Chapter 16

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After his brutal honesty, you felt discouraged from keeping your uplifting spirit. Luckily, there was only one more stop for the night before the hotel and that was the Cheongdong Provence. The theme park is well-known for its lights structures that mirrored a wonderland. It was more beautiful at night. It was like something out of a movie, where the two characters confess to each other and it would be a happy ending. That didn't exist, you thought to yourself, happily ever after is a capitalist scam. Nonetheless, you thought it would be best to tell him your feelings. And despite what he said earlier, you held a slight bit of hope that he would reciprocate.

Yoongi wandered aimlessly a few yards behind you. He made a mental note to keep his distance, otherwise, he would want to hold you and tell you the truth. It was only when he noticed other guys checking you out from afar that he made his way back to your side, still keeping his distance. "We should have brought Jane," you said, trying to break the silence.

"She would want to grab onto everything," Yoongi chuckled.

"She's a kid," you pointed out. "It's natural for her to be curious."

"I wasn't touching everything when I was a kid," he scoffed.

You laughed, "That's because you're a different breed of human altogether."

He pouted, crossing his arms across his chest, "Well Seokjin and I are related, you think he's a different breed to?"

"Absolutely," you needed. "It's impossible for a normal human to look that perfect. Seriously, the first time I saw him, I thought I needed to ask for his autograph or something. I was so shocked when I found out that he's a husband and works a normal day job."

You two continued walking through the maze of light. They dazzled your eyes with every step. Yoongi couldn't help but stare at your amusing face, he wanted to see all of your expressions. "You have an interesting way of looking at people," he mused. "How do you see Ji Eun then?"

"Hmm, a strong woman who I wished was my sister," She could be your sister one day, Yoongi thought, in one form. But he quickly slapped that thought out of his mind.


"My caretaker, someone I can't live without."


"Are you gonna ask about everyone in my life?" you laughed.

"Answer the question," he nagged.

You sighed in compliance,"Someone I trust dearly, enough to let him take care of my brother for the rest of his life."


"The sun," you giggled. "His happiness is contagious."

Yoongi hesitated before the next person, "Namjoon?"

"Hmm, a great philosopher, a good man. Someone will be very lucky to be with him one day."

Yoongi bit his lips, he didn't know what he was expecting. Maybe he had hoped that you would talk poorly of Namjoon, but it was impossible. He was a great man and you should be the lucky one. "What about me?"

Your breath stopped, "What about you?" Rows of twinkling lights and umbrellas hung above your heads. This was truly a fairy tale.

"How do you feel about me?" Yoongi didn't know what he was doing. The words came out of his mouth before he was fully aware of what was happening. Your eyes widened and you could feel your cheeks flushing. You analyzed your thoughts carefully as if he could read it somehow. You wish he could so that you didn't have to say it aloud, and so that he could hear how mad you are that he brought it up before you could compose yourself. Here goes nothing.

"Since you brought it up, you can't be mad at me for being honest," you stated. He said nothing, hearing only his own pounding heart. "Yoongi, I think I'm in love with you." The words hung in the air for what felt like hours. If it weren't for the lights, you would have thought he ran away at the confession. His heart dropped to his stomach. This was exactly what he wanted to hear but also what he feared most. "Can you...say something?" you begged after the long silence.

Yoongi snapped back to consciousness. "Why?" was all he could say for the moment.

"I don't think there's a logical explanation for it," you shrugged, your confidence decreasing exponentially by the second. "I guess it's because you treat me like I'm normal. You don't treat me like I'm broken and you don't try to fix me. Everyone around me, Jimin, Ji Eun, Namjoon, they all look at me like I need constant saving. I'm bever allowed to not be okay around them because they'll feel like it's their responsibility to heal me when it's not. But with you, I'm more than just my trauma. I'm" It was out in the open. You thought you would feel much lighter but the anticipation of his answer was weighing you down immensely.

Yoongi looked away abruptly so that you couldn't see his tears. The words you spoke were beautiful, and they painted him to be a much better person than he actually was. He didn't deserve that kindness."I'm sorry," he said with the utmost care so that his voice didn't crack. "I don't feel the same way." He said the next words slowly and carefully as if to convince himself of a hoax. "I will never feel the same way, so please stop what you're feeling."

When he walked away, you didn't run after him. You did think about how you should have seen it coming; he warned you in the beginning after all. You did go back to the hotel. You did call the front desk to see if he had checked into the room next to yours. He didn't. You did cry. And you did dream about him. Perhaps it would be the last time you could keep him as your own. 

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