Chapter 3

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It could have been the stress from the paper, or the sheer exhaustion of going through the day-by-day routine of a lonely college girl, but last night, you slept with ease. When the morning light crept in, you turned your body away from the windows. There was a strange feeling that you were being watched. It must have been Jane, you thought, but she would be jumping on the bed to wake you up. Cautiously, you opened your eyes and to your horror, someone was staring back at you and it wasn't Jane. Your eyes shot open and you instinctively pulled the blanket to cover your body, even though you were fully dressed. The man's expression remained calm, and he turned his attention back to his phone.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" you yelled, grabbing your phone and backing away from the bed. You eyed the stranger, he was shirtless and sat neatly with his back against the bed frame. "Answer me or I'll call the cops!" you yelled out some more. The man didn't even flinch when he answered.

"I was already in here when you came in last night."

It took you by surprise. "What? That still doesn't answer my question," you persisted. "What did you do to me?"

He scoffed, "Don't flatter yourself, you're not my type at all. I wouldn't touch you. We just slept. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" you retorted. "I have literally no idea who you are and somehow we just ended up in bed together and you expect me to believe you didn't do anything to me. I'm calling the cops."

"Go ahead," he shrugged. "I'll just tell them some random girl broke into my room last night and slept on my bed."

"Your room? Your bed?" you questioned. "This is Ji Eun's apartment. I've never seen you before in my life." Just as you were about to dial the police, Jane waltzed into the room upon hearing the screaming. She rubbed her eyes to look at you, and you pulled her behind your legs.

"What's wrong, Y/N~?" she asked.

"It's okay sweetie, I'll keep you safe," you responded, the line was ringing. Jane peaked behind out from behind your legs. The man noticed her and poked out his tongue in an attempt to scare her. She whimpered and pulled her head back. You glared at him, the officer picked up and you began telling her the situation.

"Uncle Gi is mean," Jane mumbled.

"Yeah, I know sweetie- wait, uncle Gi?" The voice of the officer fading away. Jane nodded and pointed at the man.

"Uncle Gi," she said again. The man mustered up a sly smile. You exhaled loudly and apologized to the officer for the misunderstanding. The man stood up and stretched, you saw every muscle of his torso moving effortlessly. He looks beautiful. His hair was midnight in the sunlight, sharp jaws and sharp eyes blessed his face. As he moved closer to you, you felt a sense of danger.

"I'm Yoongi, Seokjin's brother," he said poignantly. You expected him to hold out a hand for you to shake, but he shoved you slightly to the side to go outside. You shuddered.

"I didn't know Seokjin has a brother," you said, trying to make conversation.

"That's because it's none of your business," he answered, closing the bathroom door in your face. Your blood was boiling, if he weren't Seokjin's brother, you would kick him in his pretty face. Your phone rang, it was Seokjin.

"Y/Nie~" he cooed. He only does this when he knows he's in trouble or needs a favor.

"You're lucky Ji Eun loves you and I love Ji Eun," you scolded. You helped wash up in the master bedroom's bathroom. She splashed a bit of water on you, making you laugh.

"So I see that you two have met," he chuckled.

"How are you two related? You're so nice and he's so apathetic to everything."

Seokjin sighed, running his hand through his hair. "He just has...issues."

You stopped moving, Jane tilted her head in confusion."Issues? Like what?"

"It's not my story to tell, but please don't take what he does to heart. He's a really good person." And he meant it. In a way, it was his fault.

You rolled your eyes, "Fine. How's Ji Eun?"

"She's sleeping right now. The baby was delivered earlier this morning. The doctor said you can bring Jane to visit in an hour."

"Alright, I'll see you then oppa."

"Wait! One more thing,"

"What is it?"

"Please bring Yoongi with you."

"You owe me big time." After helping Jane get dressed, you went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. Yoongi was by the table, rummaging through pieces of paper that looked like music sheets. Maybe he's a singer, you shrugged and began making some omelets. "Would you like some breakfast?" you asked, trying to be polite.

"Were you just going to let me starve?" he asked in return. You bit your lips, you shouldn't have said anything. For the rest of the time, the only sounds in the air were paper shuffling and Jane playing with her toys in the background. When you were done cooking, you set the plates down on the table. Without thinking, you set his plate down on top of some paper. Yoongi gasped and immediately shoved it away.

"This is my stuff, why would you put it there?" he yelled. It was the first time you saw any emotion in his face.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Yoongi blinked, realizing the volume of his voice and the shock in your eyes. Even Jane got scared. He put the plate somewhere else on the table, stacked his papers somewhere safe, and began eating in silence. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"You're welcome," you nodded. "After we eat, Seokjin asked us to go to the hospital."

"Okay," he answered. It was quiet for the rest of the morning, it was as if things are supposed to be this way. With just the three of you, you got a taste of what it would be like to live a domestic life, and you were not a fan of it. 

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