Chapter 5

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You snapped your attention to the voice. It was your psychology professor. You were in a meeting with her before the semester ends, your paper is still unfinished. It was the last course you needed before you could graduate in the fall. "Sorry, I spaced out."

"I know," she chuckled. "What's wrong? You've been like this for the past week."

You exhaled, thinking back to a certain black hair jerk. That day at the hospital, you thought he was joking when he said he didn't want you as a friend, but every time you saw him, he went out of his way to ignore you. It got to the point where you declined every dinner invitation from Ji Eun. "Well there's this guy..."

Her eyebrows cocked, "So you're in love?"

"It's nothing like that," you denied, "He's...a piece of work." That was a polite way to put it, you actually had no idea what to make of him.

Your professor looked up with amusement, clicking her pen open. "How so?"

"He's the avoidance type,"

She nodded. Avoidant attachment is when someone doesn't want to get too intimate with another out of fear of losing their independence. They make excuses to not initiate romantic gestures and have a deep fear of commitment. It's not their fault per se, just the environment they were brought up in. Seokjin never talked about his family, so you have no idea what could have affected Yoongi . "He sounds like an interesting subject then,"

"Subject?" you repeated. "You think he's the one I should focus on for my paper?"

"I don't think you have any other option," she chuckled. "He's a good deviant to discuss. But personally, I can see that you're interested in him outside of the assignment. So why not kill two birds with one stone? Study and get to know him, who knows, something good might come out of it."

"Not unless I die first," you mumbled under your breath. There was no way Yoongi would let you get close to him enough to study him, and absolutely no way you could even convince him to help you out for this assignment. You might as well just take the L. But nonetheless, your professor gave you until the fall to submit the paper and she will not take no for an answer.

Feeling hopeless and desperate, you headed home. When you passed by the convenient store, you couldn't resist the temptation of making yourself a nice cup of ramen. But before you could step through the door, someone pulled on the hem of your shirt. It was a familiar tug. Your eyes lit up.

"Jane!" you exclaimed, picking her up for a tight hug.

"I missed you, unnie,"

"I know, sweetie, I've missed you too." Since Yoongi doesn't want you near him, the consequence of that is not getting to see Jane and Ji Eun as much because Yoongi is always at the apartment. A little ways behind her was Seokjin, he must have just picked her up from kindergarten.

"Y/N, good thing we ran into you," Seokjin said as he approached. He attempted to take his daughter back but Jane swatted his hands away to hug you tighter. You both chuckled.

"Why? Is something wrong?"


"What?" you panicked. "Is it Ji Hoon? Is he sick"

He shook his head, "No, it's Ji Eun."

"What's going on with her?"

"She's been really sad that she hasn't been able to see her illegitimate daughter for weeks now."

You exhaled loudly and punched his arm. He jokingly whined. "You jerk, don't scare me like that."

"Sorry," he laughed, "But it's true that she is sad. It's been so long Y/N. We barely see you and you live next door to us. You don't come over anymore and I know you've been dying to see Ji Hoon again. What's going on?"

"I've been busy with school.." you lied.

"No." Seokjin didn't accept that answer.

"I didn't want to bother you guys with the new baby...?"


"Ugh, fine, your brother doesn't like me and I'm pretty sure if he sees me again, I'll burst up into flames with his intense stare."

"How do you know he doesn't like you?"

"He told me that day at the hospital."

Seokjin nodded slowly. He remembered the day at the hospital when he saw the two of you out in the garden and thought something good might come out of it, but it looks like he was wrong. He always knew his brother was poor in his communications and friend-making skills, but he didn't think it would be this bad. It was also odd since Yoongi would sometimes bring you up in the middle of a conversation so Seokjin assumed there was a spark there. He sighed, good things he's married and no longer has to deal with these messy feelings. Though it wasn't smooth sailing with him and Ji Eun at the start. He had to propose 3 times because she always thought he was joking. The downside of having good humor.

"Well, don't mind him. We want you at dinner tonight."

"I don't know, I'm nervous."

"Nervous and excitement are the same emotion, think of it that way. And I will make sure he behaves."
"I appreciate that, but-"

"No but's!" he exclaimed, "And Ji Eun will not take no for an answer.

You rolled your eyes playfully and wondered why you surround yourself with such demanding people, "I swear, sometimes I don't know who's the baby of the house. But okay, just dinner."

"He won't bite," Seokjin winked. Jane reluctantly let go of you to join her dad. Before heading over, you took a shower and unintentionally wore your hair up in a ponytail. You shook off the thought and told yourself it's a hot summer day. With one last glance in the mirror, you were on your way.

Knock knock knock

You gulped when the door opened, revealing the pair of dragon eyes. Yup, you were on fire. 

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