Child Anyways

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      I walk into my 4 period which is since the class before lunch,I hate this class because I have it with Maddie,I don't like her because she used to bully me until some day she walked into the bathroom while I was in there and she kissed me and then left I never asked her why she kissed me but i really didn't care.

     ''okay now that everyone is sitting down,I can start class,''my teacher Mr.Green said ,''If you don't know we are having a carnival and the Juniors are supposed to make games to play.That means we are going to have to be in groups of two I will give you a peace of paper and that will have your partners  names.It is up to you to pick what you are going to do .''

      He starts handing out the pieces papers i wished hopefully i get my best friend she looks and me and i smile as he gives her the peace of paper.I unfold mine,and see the name ,''Maddie,''fuck shit whyyyyy ,I say to myself I look over to her and she looks at me we make eye-contact .He begins to tells us that we have to get with each other to talk about what we are going to do and we have all class hour to talk about it ,and what were gonna use for it.

    I walk over to her desk she smiles

    ''I think the easiest think we could do would be balloon popping right?''

    ''y-yeah,sure .''i say struggling.

     We infomre about what where going to to he tells us that our game is going to have to be done by friday because the carnival is on saturday,and we have to show up on saturday to get the full points.

  ''well we can start doing things for it today if you want.we could go to my place to make it plus my parents are never there so is you want no pressure.

   ''sure yeah we can take my car if you want?'she nodded her head and we start to list the things we might need,like prizes, bollions,dart's and we have to start to pick out the colors the sign might be .class passes fast and so does school.I wasn't as nervous as i was in the beginning she is actually really nice I have never seen that side of her.I wait for her in the front of the school.she walks out and saw  me and waves to while she walks to me .I wait for her to reach me before i start walking to my car she follows and we get into my car ,good thing i cleaned it yesterday.she put her address on my phone.

    the car ride was quit ,there was this one moment when one of the songs on the radio was catchy and i tried to turn it up and she did to and we touched our hands it was weird.we finally get to her houe.It pretty big it's the color green,like a saga green .I park in front she gets out before me .her house is pretty inside its plain ,she has a cute cat that she probably doesn't like she doesnt pet it or anything.

  she leads me into kitchen and asked me if i wanted anything i told her i was okay.she was acting weird now like flirting with me.we go over to her room where we start to draw the letters on a huge white cardboard .i take off my sweater and since i was on my knees you can see them see them since all i had on was a black tank top .i could feel her eyes on my breast she licks her lips,she stares at my lips while i stare at hers to she told me she was going to change into shorts.I was already wearing mine since my last hour was P.E.she comes back in a couple of minutes.she closes the door and I hear the lock click.i turn around and she get on her knees in front of me .she pulls me close to her .I look in her eyes in confusion.she grabs my by my face and kisses me ,I pull away she tries to talk but i kiss her again,she started to take my tank top off ,and i take off her shirt she looks at me and i get up i give her a hand then push onto her bed she giggles while i kiss her tits.i take off her shorts and start kissing on her thighs then her inner thighs,she opens her legs i lick her slit over her underwear she tries to pull her hair on my hair ,but i put her hand above her head .I take off her underwear she moans as i run my fingers on her slit i start to rub her clit she moaned into her pillow .I unclip her bra with my other hand.I suck on her left tit while i pinch the other one i look at the mirror.I take the hand away from her nipple and make her see how she is a mess.i start to thrust my fingers into her she moans ,'' god she looks so good,''I thought i take my fingers out of her and get on my knees and start to lick her throbbing pussy she moans louder this time,her moans sound like heaven to me .i pinch her nipples she comes in second i get up in time to see her face a image that will always be in my mind . I give her a hand and hand her ,her t shirt I put on my tanktop.we hear her dad gets home and look at each other.

   ''Shit,''she both say 

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