Good night baby <3

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   I walk into my girlfriends and I's house ,Alison is her name .I've been gone for a whole week for my mothers birthday in Montana .Alison, is detective and had a major  case so we decide that I would go because she knew that my mother has cancer and she could die any of theses days.

   I took off my shoes,jacket and unclipped my bra ,I hang my sweater and leave my shoes on the side,I yawn as i walk to the living room area.I walk to the couch and my girlfriend is there cuddling  with  my favorite teddy bear,she probably couldn't sleep without me ,I thought in my head .I got on my knees and pushed her hair out of her face. I wasn't very tired I had lot of energy,I cleaned  up the living room where she had left chinese takeout.I wash the dishes then went and took a shower.

   After I got out of the shower I was dried  my hair with a towel ,it  was raining now luckily I got here before the rain.I put the towel on the door so it could air dry, i changed in the bathroom so I didn't have to close the windows, that you could see in from the sidewalk .I walk down stairs to put a blanket over my baby but she was already up rubbing her eyes she saw  me I waved at her and she runs to me and hugs me.

   ''God I missed you,''she said putting  her head in the crook of my neck,god i missed her scent,I hugged her back .I pulled away after a while, she kissed me,I kissed her back,she pulled me to the couch. She told me what she did and about her case and the funny thing that happened when she ran into her cousin at the coffee shop,and how she was thinking about getting a cat or maybe a dog because what is someone tried to break in.I didn't really care but it was nice to hear everything she liked she was so excited about telling me.

   We finally went up stairs and cuddled,she pulled me against her ,she hugged me and put her head on mine,she fell asleep before me.I could hear her heartbeat.I feel asleep after a couple of minutes.

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