Love Is A bitch

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     I get a beer before returning to the dance floor.I'm at a party that my friend Cassie ,invited me to get over my breakup.I broke up with her two days ago,and  i feel like complete shit.

     I walk onto the dance floor where everyone is dancing or grinding to the beat of the music.I open the beer and take a long drink of it ,Cassie  took the beer out of my hand and took a swing of it.She wiped her mouth and gave it back to me .She pulls me close to her and whispers into my ear. 

    ''I just saw Aidan,i'll be back,''She walks over to her boyfriend.I sit down on the couch and watch everyone dancing ,the dude beside me hands me a joint,I take a hit of it and hand it back to him.I get up and head to the bathroom.I walk to the bathroom where the is a long  line.I decide to walk to a random room,I didn't have to use the restroom I just needed some peace and quiet .

     Someone is standing by the window looking out the window smoking a cigarette.


    ''Hey,''You're probably  wondering who the fuck Raven,is well she is the wonderfull ex.


    ''Wanna smoke?''she said extending her arm with the cigarette in her hand.

    ''Sure,''I say shutting the door and getting the cigarette from her hand.I sit down on the bed she sits down beside me ,I took a hit and handed it back to her.We sat quietly for a couple of minutes in till she turns she turn to me I do the same.

   ''I'm sorry y/n ,for everything.''   

   ''it's okay,''I say a tear runs down her face,I wipe her tear with my thumb.She gets closer to me she cupped my face and kisses me.God I missed her soft lips on me i pull away surprised and look at her face(god her face) she pulls me back to her lips and the kiss  get a little rougher.I push her down on the bed ,I get up and lock the door I hover over her and then kiss her again.I put her hands over her head and take of her shirt.I look her face eyes.

  I pull away from her she sits up.

 ''is everything okay''

 ''I'm sorry but we're over,and doing this will just make things worse.''

 ''yeah,you're right,''she said getting up and putting on her shirt again.

''I should leave.''

  I leave the room and walk down to the living room,I walk to the kitchen and get the bottle of vodka and drink it,it burns my throat on the way down.I grab the bottle and start to walk out the party.Cassie comes behind me and hugs me.

   ''where are you going,''she asked .

   ''I'm leaving Cassie.''


     She lets me go,I leave without answering her.I began to walk home,I take a swing of the vodka.I sit down on the curve,I start to cry,god I really loved her,her brown eyes,black short hair the way she would giggle when i would make stupid jokes.The memories past like a movie in my head.

    ''Heyy,''says Cassie trying to catches her breath she had her jacket on her shoulder.She plopped on the cerve  and grabs the bottle out of my hand and takes a longs drink out of it,she makes a funny face at me,she sets the bottle on the concrete and wipes the remaining tears off my cheek.She looks away and lays on the ground.I look at her ,she pulls me beside her,we giggle at each other,she looks back at the sky but i keep looking at her.

  I looked at her her green eyes,and her freckled face ,her curly short ginger hair,she had glasses ,  her beautiful ,plumped pink lips ,she bites her bottom lips.Maybe it was just the Vodka but I really wanted to kiss her. She turns to me and turns to her side i follow her movement,she pulls my face close to hers and kisses me ,slowly,careful she puts her hand in my hair and smile while we kiss.She pulls away then gets up she gives me her hand and i stand up .

  ''Wanna see if there are any food shops open ?''

  ''Sure.''I say as we walk down the street.

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