yes,yes,yes,you silly goose

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    I walk into my apartment ,I take off my shoes and jacket ,the apartment is dark and the only light that is coming in is the one  the street light are providing.I turn on the kitchen light ,and walk into my beroom.My girlfriend is sleeping ,I lay by her,her hair is in her face so I tuck it behind her ear.Her lips are apart,the room was so quiet you could hear her breathing. I kiss her on her forehead before getting up.

    I go into the bathroom,I close the door so she doesn't wake up to the sound of the water running.I take  off my clothes and hop in the shower I tie my hair into a bun ,and wash my body.I let the warm water hit my body ,i rub my body with a body wash I got last week at both and body works,it smelt like vanilla 

  After a while I get out and dry my body ,I dry my hair and put on some basketball shorts and an oversized black shirt.I brush my teeth and finally leave the bathroom.I was go and lay beside the love of my life who was still sound asleep.I pull the covers over me.

    ''y/n,''she said mummering my name.

    ''yeah,''I said turning to face her.she holds  me in her arms,I sink into her body,and her scent,her beautiful scent.It starts to rain in the background,i fall asleep seconds later .

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  I wake up to the sound of music being played,I try to roll over but the windows where letting to much light into the room so i decide to get up. i put on a pair of black socks and walk to the kitchen where my gorgeous girlfriend is cooking.she is singing along to a song,''I Want a Sunday Kind f Love,by Etta james,''She sing into the spoon she is using to mix  the pancake batter with.I giggle,she turn and starts to walk my way singing.

  ''I want a sunday kind of love,a love to last past Saturday night.''she pulls me close to her and we start to dance to ,giggling at each other.I grab the spoon from her hand and start t sing to it.

  ''And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight,and i want a  Sunday kind of love ,''we sing the song,dancing to it,dropping the batter of the spon on the floor we almost slipped on it two times.The song ends and she goes back to mixing the batter.

  I grab her phone and put on music ,i walk over to her and hug her from behind and mover her hair from her neck and tart leaving small kisses on her neck.

 ''I missed you so much,''i whisper into her ear .

''i missed you to ,''she saying turning around,I get closer to her,she bites her lips i look into her eyes.I pull her closer and kisses her slowly,i pull away teasing her I make sure the stove is off.

   I pick her up and  take her into the room,I put her on the bed,i push her down and kiss her rougher this time asking for entrance into her mouth,she opens her mouth and i move my tongue around in her mouth.I reach for the hem of her shirt and take it off.She put her hands over her head.I kiss down her chest licking her nippels pinching one and sucking one giving them both the same attention .

   She moans and rolls her eyes.I start to kiss down her stomach,her breathing getting heavier,I finally reaches her shorts,I pulls them off leaving her in her underwear. she pulls me up to her face kissing me she takes off my shirt ,and I help her take off my short leaving both of us in our underwear .I pull away from her I  keep eye-contact with her as I start to slowly rub her clit my finger in circular motion.she squeezes my shoulder ,she monas I  smile at her ,I  start to slowly trust my fingers in to her,she start to push herself in to my fingers moaning even louder,her eyes roll back into the back of her head  as she cumes,I look at her face trying to keep that image as long as possible,she finally lets go of my shoulder and puts her arm around my neck and kisses me,we lay with each other and fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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