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„First lets start with Kai. I hope you can forgive me that we need to cut you for this to work...", Yeonjun says as a bunch of people have gathered in Beomgyu's mansion once again.

The whole friend group has appeared, since they know about Yeonjun anyways, along with them Kai's family joined after hearing he can be healed and is gonna be today.

Soobin's mom joined too, though Yeonjun's parents wanted to come too.

„That's fine with me, if it's necessary then I will do it."

„Also, before I start. Someone care to explain to me why this is like half an auction or something? Like why are there over 30 people in here?", Yeonjun asks, meant to all of the people gathered in the living room.

Soobin is next to him, kind of like an assistant since he helped searching for everything too, Beomgyu and Taehyun are the other assistants.

Their friend squad is just like a crowd waiting for a performance, all of them have pushed the couches and chairs so that they are sitting a bit away from the five, but all looking towards them.

„Just ignore us, you know why your parents, Soobin's and Kai's too, are here. And we're here for basically the same reason.", Daehwi answers.

„Y'all really are weird sometimes you know that. This is why I don't do this often, it's like I'm a performance show or something every time."

„Well you have to admit Hyung, it is special somehow, especially to them.", Soobin says, Yeonjun giving in with a sigh of defeat.

„Fine then everyone stay. This is stupid... I don't want to hear anything from any of you, got it?", he warns the crowd, who obediently nods.

Yeonjun then starts by getting out a little bottle with crystal clear water as it seems, such pure water isn't seen often.

He puts two drops of it in one of Beomgyu's wine glasses that he has way too many of.

After that Beomgyu steps closer, Yeonjun picking up one of the sharp knives that Beomgyu has at his house, they cut faster than one can notice when you touch the wrong side.

Beomgyu doesn't even flinch as he watches how the cut begins to bleed, so much that a drop falls down, into the glass with the clear water, turning it red now.

Beomgyu just licks up the rest blood from his hand, after cleaning it Yeonjun goes over the wound with his finger, the cut disappearing exactly after his touch.

„That's two things, the holy water and the blood... Soobin, the leaves.", he mumbles before asking the taller for the next ingredient.

Soobin and Yeonjun had already beforehand prepared the leaves, that now aren't really leaves anymore, only a bit of light purple liquid remains.

Yeonjun puts exactly three drops of this liquid into the glass, which now turns dark red for some reason.

„Now my part..."

Because he's focused he sometimes mumbles out his thoughts, not noticing it though, something Soobin finds quite the cute habit.

Cursed - YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now