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„So... Are we now finally gonna do the movie evening or what?", Yeonjun asks the big group of people who have sort of kidnapped him and put him on the sofa in a living room, next to Soobin.

While 27 men still surround them, looking at them closely.

Seems like they had gotten Soobin to sit here before Yeonjun arrived, now those two like main suspects sitting on the sofa, ready to be interrogated or something.

„You two better spill some tea here. And get together this evening.", Daehwi warns them, being serious about this, just like the rest is.

They're actually way too serious about this...

„Else we will punch you Yeonjun.", Chenle adds.

„Wait why me?"

„Because you're the one who's not clear here. And not giving in.", Chan says, shrugging his shoulders.

„Also You're immortal bitch.", Byeongkwan comments from a bit farther behind.

„Oh great, I'm gonna be a punching bag..."

„Come on guys, we said we're talking. And I'm really fine with this, we're sorting this!", Soobin tries to defend the other, rather useless though.

They made up their minds.

„Soobin, Sweetheart. He has forever, he has time with no limit. While you don't.", Hongjoong says as he pats Soobin on the head.

„Also who knows if he really will take you with him.", he adds, getting closer to Yeonjun to pressure him a bit.

„Alright, no need to get mean here now Hongjoong. You know we at least should be able to trust Yeonjun that much.", Seonghwa stops him as he pulls Hongjoong back by his hair who first tries to resist and protest, becomes quiet though once he's in Seonghwa's arms and gets a Kiss in the cheek.

„Still. If you both know why aren't you together or dating?", Hyunjin says, making a point.

„Because Hyung said he's not sure yet. And need more time to think about everything.", Soobin says, everyone now glaring angry at Yeonjun.

„Look here guys. I have powers that could easily be misused. Now I'm not talking about Soobin doing so, but rather that others could use Soobin to get me obey them. That's one of my biggest fears out of all this, that he will have to suffer because of me. That's one thing. The other is, I'm just not sure. I've learned from the last time that I lost the one I loved that I should maybe rather listen to the Phoenix. He was a loner too, and I think for a reason. So I'm thinking maybe it is better if I stay alone. Because if I really will be together with Soobin... I will make sure that he will accompany me. For the rest of time.", Yeonjun explains, a bit flustered but also serious.

While the rest now is surprised, most have their mouth hanging open, even Soobin is surprised.

„Wait you... would take me with you?"

„Soobin you requested it. You want to. So the Rest of this decision is up to me. And I made up my mind I would do it if I get together with you. That's why I'm so hesitant. There's a lot on the line here, also the fact that I will probably make you suffer with it."

While Yeonjun looks at Soobin rather apologetic and sad as he says it, feeling bad that he maybe might make Soobin go through what he had went through too often, the others just watch, now starting to feel bad for pressuring.

There really is a lot more to it than just simply love each other.

And they can understand that Yeonjun is hesitant, because he will make Soobin go through the death of friends and family a lot, things he already has seen way too often. May it be natural causes or killing in wars.

Yeonjun lowers his head as he smiles sad and painful, holding Soobin's hands who just looks at him back worried, he doesn't want Yeonjun to then feel bad for taking him with him on the journey. Yet Soobin knows Yeonjun probably can't help but do so, he has made experiences and has fears, in the end he's a Normal human like everyone else too.

Suddenly his back starts catching fire, the other guys backing away surprised and shocked because it's out of nowhere.

„Yeonjun, what's this about?!", Han shouts surprised, though as Yeonjun lifts his head he seems confused and surprised too.

„Your Back... it's Fire.", Jungwoo says, making Yeonjun now notice.

But the others also notice as he looks up... the tear running down Yeonjun's cheek.

„But I didn't activate anything...", Yeonjun mumbles in answer, the tear slowly making it's way down.

Out of the fire on his back a flame emerges, starts to separate from his body which turns back to normal, the flames though remain separate. And start taking on the shape of a bird.

„A small Phoenix...", Jisung mumbles as he watches, everyone is just focused on what's happening, while Yeonjun and Soobin are confused, though Yeonjun is trying to see too which is rather hard.

Once the form of a bird is complete it seems to start living, moves it's wings and head, before the rather small creature takes off in the air, starts to fly. It moves in front of Yeonjun, who now can see it as well.

The appearance of the flame bird causes him to tear up again.

„It looks exactly like the Phoenix did back then... only a lot smaller.", he says while smiling again, now rather happy and relieved, as the small bird lands on Yeonjun's hand which he put in front of him.

The bird then takes its wings, wiping and drying the tears away which Yeonjun is losing, before Yeonjun lifts his hand a bit more and they both rest their foreheads against each other.

„It seems like you're still with me to protect and care for me.", Yeonjun says, he never looked this happy before.

It seems as if he can let go of all his worries for the moment, exhaustion can be seen now, that's he's rather drained, emotionally and physically.

The bird then lets out a small noise, as if it wants to tell Yeonjun that everything is and will be alright, that's he's doing well and fine, deserves to rest for once.

It flies away from Yeonjun, over to Soobin who seems rather confused that it comes to him now, before the bird seems to like give a small kiss to Soobin on the cheek, then sits down on his shoulder, vanishing there while the flames seem to be going into Soobin's neck.

Small and barely noticeable a few stripes appear, reminding of the tree like part of Yeonjun's mark.

But they start to glow as Yeonjun wants to touch it.

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