010 ( in the past )

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"Keep moving"

"But mom!"

"She'll be fine"

A rough voice urged her on, the little girl was crying now. She couldn't understand why misfortune followed them around so much, why so many bad things came with every place they settled.

"I'm scared"

"I know, it's going to be okay"

Her older sister squeezed her hand gently as they ran. Y/N stumbled every few steps but she righted herself struggling to keep from dragging down her older sister.

"Dad is waiting for us, we'll be fine, it'll be fine"

The soft lights of their house bobbed and weaved in the distance.

Once they had crossed the threshold beyond the gates they stumbled to a stop. Y/N fell forward coughing into the dirt but in seconds a pair of strong hands picked her right back up.

"Thank god, where's your mother"

It was her father his deep rumbling voice, gentle but hard. She clung to him not caring her blood and the dirt on her knees would leave his white shirt stained.

"She's back in the woods, pa don't-"

"Take care of your sister"

She grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"You can't! You can't even see them, you'll only get yourself killed"

Y/N had no idea what they were arguing about. All she knew was that she was frightened. And whatever had ripped her skirt in the woods was after her mother.

She had been playing with her sister, picking flowers when she had strayed too far from the path; Resulting in the gash on her left leg. Her sister had told her that it was a rabid fox.

Her sister had grabbed her hand and told her to run.

But it seemed like they were making an awfully big fuss for a wild animal. The door creaked open and slumped in her mother, breaking the argument between her sister and father.



"Pack your bags We're moving"

Her mother was untouched, save for the leaves in her hair. She reached out to take Y/N and the girl obliged, wrapping her arms tightly around her neck.

"Mama, I made friends at school yesterday, do we have to leave now?"

"Yes angel, it's for work"

She smoothed down Y/Ns hair pressing a soft kiss against her forehead.

"You'll always have your sister as your friend"

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 / nanami k. ✓Where stories live. Discover now