017. ( trust )

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Nanami was frozen, his throat suddenly dry

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Nanami was frozen, his throat suddenly dry.

Something dawned on Y/Ns face and she turned to Taka.

"Is there something you're not telling me, does this have to do with mom? That shit her and my older were always talking about"

The brunette glanced over Nanami and Y/N turned to the blonde, disbelief on her face.

"Why are you looking at him- Kento, do you know what's going on?"

"Y/N what did you see-"

Nanami asked soothingly resting a hand against her arm.

"Why don't you tell me"

She shrugged off his hands and that stung. However he retracted the touch sitting back on his heels. Anger was mounting on her face.

"Darling I cant-"

"Dont darling me, Ken Something horrible bit me, and something tells me it hasn't been the first time"

She said through gritted teeth touching the spot where her scar was. Y/N stood up suddenly causing the other two to follow suit.

"I need to go"

"It's not safe-"

She turned angrily on her childhood friend so quickly he shrunk away.

Nanami watched as Y/N picked up her jacket sliding it on herself and storming out the door. She didn't bother putting on her shoes, he followed behind.

When they were out of the house it was night. The stars were twinkling merrily and the breeze was pleasant despite the tense atmosphere. Nanami chased after her.

"Y/N please, you need to let me explain"

"Explain that you've been lying to me this entire time?"

She stopped turning on her heel, gone was the anger, replaced by betrayal.Her E/C eyes were wet.

Nanami understood right then he had done something irreparable.

"I trusted you, Ken, I told you all that-"

"Listen to me! God, you're so stubborn sometimes! it was to keep you safe!"

He didn't mean to raise his voice. But she flinched, it was small but hard enough to make him step back.

She turned her head away from him.

"I'm going to walk away, Ken, before I say something hurtful, I want space"

Why was it all falling apart so quickly, he was a mature adult why wasn't he acting like one.

"I understand"

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 / nanami k. ✓Where stories live. Discover now