Chapter One

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Chapter One

                It was nearly seven in the evening when I realized that I was about to do something stupid. Usually, I’m not one who is prone to random acts of mischief, but get a few shots of Vodka in me and a little influence from my best friend Tiffany and the little devil on my shoulder starts to sound more reasonable by the minute.

                “What about him?” Tiff questioned, raising her glass towards the stout man over in the corner of the bar.

                I giggled. “Do you need glasses? He’s at least forty-five.”

                Tiff swirled the alcohol around in her glass and shrugged. “You never gave me an age limit.” She defended with a burst of giggles which had erupted a set of giggles from my own mouth.

                Tiff and I were no strangers to Pink Ladies – strip club by Saturday night and sports bar any other day of the week. The bar we were in had a nightclub feel more than a regular dive sports bar. The angular metal tables were cleaned to pristine, the stools were looked as if they had just been bought the night before, and most importantly there were no strange odors floating around.

                “Okay,” Tiff swallowed the rest of her drink, “What about him?” She pointed a French manicured nail towards a blonde at the end of the bar. His blonde hair as obviously dyed, thanks to the brunette roots that were vividly popping out against the bleach blonde. His teeth were perfectly straightened and sparkled with a white shine that only a professional dentist could pull off.

                I pondered for a moment, studying the slim build of the man. He couldn’t have been any older than twenty-five, and with the lack of fat on his body you could tell he exercised regularly and maintained a healthy diet.

                I set my glass down, “He’ll do.” And before I knew it, I was stumbling towards my own death.  

                Approaching the stranger, I did a quick check of my surroundings. Tiff gave me a thumb up and a lopsided smile the second before I tapped the man on the shoulder. The second my hand touched his shoulder, I instantly regretted ever coming to this bar tonight.

                “Victoria?” His Irish accent wasn’t as strong and audible as it once had, but I knew that voice as if it were my very own. After all, I had listened to it for about three years.

                I cleared my throat, sticking out my hand. “Sorry, I think you have the wrong person. “ He gave me a quizzical look but I smiled even larger, “The name’s Grace. Grace Wells.”

                “Niall Horan.” He responded a bit reluctantly. He wiped his hand on his trousers before returning my hand shake and gave me a shaky smile. “I’m truly sorry; I must’ve had too much to drink tonight. You look exactly like this girl I used to know.” He gave me a once over, “It’s almost identical, except her hair was blonde.”

                I used my best fake giggle on him, trying not to let any of the panic I felt show, “I’ll never become a blonde,” I twisted a piece of my artificial brown hair that Tiffany had curled for me earlier around my index finger, “I don’t suppose you like blondes better?”

                Niall gulped down the rest of his beer before throwing a few pounds on the bar as a tip for the bartender and stood up. “I’m sorry Miss Wells, you said?” I nodded. “I have a very lovely fiancé I must get home too.” He went to move past me, but he glanced once more and my face and shook his head before he exited Pink Ladies.

                I released a long breath and mumbled a curse to myself. My heart was finally beating at a steady pace instead of five miles an hour. I suddenly felt flushed and started to become warm all over. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Tiff flirting with the man in the suit she had set her eyes on since the moment we stepped in the door.

                I took that as my opportunity to slip out of the front doors to get a little fresh air. Moving past the bouncer who gave me a disgruntled look, I leaned against the brick wall of the building and watched as a couple in front of me smoked a cigarette together. I decided to pull out my iPhone and shoot Tiff a text that I was outside.

                Things didn’t go well with the blonde. Outside whenever u are ready

                No more than ten seconds later, Tiff responded; Going home w/ the cutie in the suit. Pls get home safe xo

                Stuffing my phone into my back pocket, I started the walk back to Tiff and I’s apartment. It was only about a ten minute walk from Pink Ladies, and the sun had just set over the horizon, casting a bright red glow over the city of London.

                Pulling my cardigan closer to my body as the wind started to pick up, I never expected to be in  the situation I had been put into next.


Please let me know how you like it so far. I have big plans for this revision, and I think you're all going to enjoy the new direction that this story is taking.

Thank you all for supporting me.

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