Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

     The agonizingly long days bled into one another. Harry had officially been in the ICU for a week with no changes -- I was still deciding if that should be taken as a good or bad thing. Medically, in a professional's opinion, it was good because he wasn't succumbing to his internal injuries. The doctors had said it could take another week before they saw any progress in his condition. Harry was placed in a medically induced coma to allow his body to help recover and heal from the accident, and the doctor's have been pretty hopeful, or so they say. I could count the amount of times I had left the hospital on one hand, and those times were mostly fueled by Zayn's pleading to come stay in his hotel room that he was sharing with his girlfriend. I met Zayn's girlfriend Gianna on the third  day I was in Australia while I unpacked my tiny suitcase in the room's en suite. We didn't talk that day, she sat on the edge of my bed handing me tissues every now and then I would stop to let out a sob as I put my clothes away. Now, being here officially a week I felt more relaxed and at ease, and my crying was reserved for showers only. 

     "So," Gianna's long blonde hair cascaded down her back in a light curl as she sat on the edge of my supposed bed, one super model leg crossed over the other. She was nice. I'm not sure we had anything in common, but it was nice to have a female to talk too. "Have you talked to Lou?" 

    She was so nonchalant about it I had to pause, the white t-shirt I was pulling out of the hotel's drawers to wear to bed clutched in my hand. I looked over my shoulder at her, "Why do you ask?" 

     She picked at an invisible piece of lint on her matching pink polka dot pajamas and shrugged. "Just curious." Her eyes flitted up to meet mine, "Have you talked to him since the first day here?" 

    I let out a long exhale, throwing my shirt on the bed and shook my head. I told Zayn and Gianna everything after my first day at the hospital. I told them all about my Stone Enterprises job that went to rubbish, all the way to where Louis and I had a slight heart-to-heart in Harry's room. "I think him and I have talked enough to realize that we aren't who we once were. We don't," I stopped, thinking about what exactly was off, "We don't really mesh well together anymore. We've lived two completely different and separate lives for five years. I can't expect him to be there waiting for me with open arms." As much as I'd like that, we weren't living in a fairy-tale romance and as far as I could see there wouldn't be a happily ever after ending for us. 

     "You said you guys kissed before." She huffed and rolled her eyes playfully at me. Gianna grabbed the shirt I threw on the bed and examined it. "Like, multiple times. So I thought you two, what do they say, had kissed and made up?"

     I grabbed the shirt from her, pulling my own over my head and unclasping my bra. Gianna didn't avert her eyes, so I cradled my arm in front of my chest with a grimace as I slipped the white-shirt on. "More like kissed and fought for the millionth time. We had a huge fight before we got here -- we obviously traveled here separately." I nodded to the closed door of the en suite where her boyfriend was, "I called Zayn the day before I left, and I never told Louis. He felt betrayed. Louis and Zayn, they, y'know.." I trailed off, taking a deep breath. 

     She nodded in understanding. "They don't get along, I know. But, he shouldn't be mad at you. It's not like you're trying to get the band back together." Gianna motioned for me to sit next to her with a smile. "He shouldn't hold it against you mate, that's silly. Zayn and Louis haven't exactly been friendly, but they've been cordial."  

     I snorted, flopping down on the bed beside her. "He acted like I had ripped his heart out and stomped on it. I was just trying to be nice. Once upon a time they weren't One Direction, they were my friends. My best friends." I looked at her, my eyes welling with tears, "I wish things were easier." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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