Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

    My fingers curled around the keycard in my hand, tighter, tighter - until I could feel my fingers or the pain it brought with squeezing the card anymore. Squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my teeth I didn't bother to turn around. I could feel his eyes watching the back of me, waiting - almost begging - for me to turn around.

"I didn't fight because I didn't want to lose." I said through clenched teeth without turning around, "I didn't want to lose the things I loved in my life. There were too many factors playing against me Louis. I don't know how much more I can explain to you how heart-breaking it was to cut you off completely." I sighed, shaking my head and looking down at the scuffed up boots I threw on this morning.

"You're fighting me right now, love." I could hear the crunch of gravel underneath his feet as he made his way up the stairs. I felt a hand gather one of my hair, gather it and push it over my other shoulder so my neck was completely bare. He pressed a kiss there.

"Louis," I breathed.

"Just let me show you how," He said and placed another kiss on my neck, this time further up towards the base of my ear, "How amazing we could be together."

I shook my head. "I was such a jerk to you - I don't know how you could possibly forgive me this fast, Louis." My eyes started to cloud with tears while my throat tightened up in attempt to choke down a sob.

He brought his mouth up next to my ear, his words just above a whisper. "You weren't a jerk online."

I snorted and shook my head, turning around to face him. He brought his arms around my waist while I held onto his forearms with my hands, ready to remove them. He shook his head at me, silently telling me to leave his hands at my waist and I sighed. His bright blue eyes were shining with amusement, his slightly-chapped lips were curved upwards in a cheeky smirk. I shook my head again with a slight smile.

"Louis  - that was the most cliché thing I've heard today," I paused and pretended to think about it, "Okay, the most cliché thing I've ever heard." I laughed out loud for a couple seconds before composing myself. Louis snorted and rolled his eyes at me because he knew he had just said the worst intended joke possible.

"It wasn't supposed to be cliché, I thought it just fit. Like us, y'know?" He wrapped his arms around my waist tighter and pulled me the extra couple of inches towards him that was between us. "We go well together."

I placed my hands, palm-down on his chest and looked up at the impending gloomy clouds hanging over us. The wind was starting to increase as a storm was on the horizon. It felt like a sign to back away, that things were going to be chaotic and develop into one gigantic hurricane of emotions, but I pushed those thoughts away and followed through with my heart.

"You're right," I said softly, "We go well together." And then I placed a light kiss on the corner of his mouth, and backed out of his arms to open the entrance to our apartment with my keycard. "After you." I said, holding the door open for him to go in first.

He placed his hand on the door above my head, "Ladies' first, love." I went in without protest.


    "How bloody long does it take to walk from the car to the inside of our apartment?" I was greeted with Tiffany's back turned toward me as she hastily mixed the dye together in the kitchen, "I'm one-hundred percent sure this stuff is going to dry out before we can get it on your-" She turned around, the bowl of dye she was currently mixing faltered out of her grip when she saw Louis in tow. She re-positioned the bowl in her arms and stopped mixing. "Why are you here?"

He Wasn't a Jerk In The End (He Wasn't a Jerk #4)Where stories live. Discover now