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Hello current and past fans of my HWAJ series!

It's been a while. I'm not sure how to explain this in words that won't make me sound like I'm giving up on the HWAJ series or on Wattpad in general. I know I started the last book in the HWAJ series and kind of disappeared (yes I know you in the back shouting at me "AGAIN". Thank you for helping me narrate) but I'm not sure I'm exactly ready to end the book yet.

Let me explain. I started the first HWAJ book when I was around twelve years old. Anyone who has read it now, even me at the age of sixteen, can cringe and wonder what in the world I was doing while writing that. No, I was not taking drugs or an English class. I didn't know the difference between your and you're, or for that matter any of the possessive nouns. As time went on, I read and learned many different techniques, plot lines, do's and don'ts in the writing world and also on how to be a better writer. The endless support I've gotten on this Wattpad account over the past 4 years is tremendous and it means the world to me.

In correspondence to my earlier statement of not being ready to end the book, I don't believe Louis and Victoria need the exact ending I was planning. They deserve more than a completely scribbled out draft that I wrote and posted the same day. I feel as though I've put four years of hard work into this series that I at least owe it to myself to take my time and actually really get a feel for this book and end it the way that I want too - not the way that fans and friends have suggested it. I sincerely apologize for the wait, but HWAJITE will not be updated today, tomorrow or probably even next week. The only reason I simply have is that I'm not ready to end it, and I hope that you guys understand and kind of get a feel for what I'm saying. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here in my inbox or message board. I'll leave some links and accounts in the comments section you can also reach me at. 

I am not  giving up on any of you. I promise I will finish the HWAJ series because I owe it to the characters, myself and most importantly all of you. ♥

P.S. holla @ ya home girl. She finally has a boyfriend ;)  

He Wasn't a Jerk In The End (He Wasn't a Jerk #4)Where stories live. Discover now