Chapter Twelve Part Two

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Chapter Twelve Part Two

     "Harry Styles, an ex-member of the once world's biggest boyband, One Direction, was deemed in critical condition after being involved in a hit and run by an unidentified driver in Sydney, Australia. Reports claim that Styles was in Sydney to promote his best-selling book Fame, Fortune and Fans that is based on his adventures with the band One Direction..." The news anchor was drowned out by the sound of a door opening and closing.

I reached for the remote on my nightstand and swiftly hit the power button. I didn't know if Louis found about the news yet - but I didn't want to be the one who broke it to him. Just because One Direction broke up in light of our break-up, I didn't know if Louis even still cared about his ex-band mates.

I reached over to the right and grabbed my phone that was laying on my nightstand. I threw the blankets off my body and I crept towards my bedroom door and opened it slightly. From where my bedroom was positioned, I could see the edge of the couch, where thankfully  Louis was still situated. Quietly, I crept out of my room into the living room - careful to not wake sleeping beauty. She, I mean he, needed all the rest that he could get, especially after chasing me around for the past couple days.

As softly as I could, I unlocked the deadbolt on the door and flicked the doorknob lock to the left. I quickly exited my flat and out into the hallway where I took the stairs down to the main floor of the building. While half-running, half-walking outside I pulled up the contact that was saved to my phone's backup system. After the first four rings, I was almost positive that they weren't going to pick up and took the phone away from my ear, ready to hit the end call button when I heard;

"Hello?" They paused, "Who is this?"

I put the phone back up to my ear and smiled sadly to myself, "It's Victoria. Victoria Green. I know we haven't talked in a while but-"

I was interrupted by a beeping noise signaling that the line went dead. They hung up.


I sat on the front steps of the building for about thirty-five minutes. I had called them back exactly thirteen times and every time it went straight to voicemail. I went over the last voicemail I had sent them in my head:

"Look, I know by now you've probably switched phone companies or phone numbers - but I really really need to talk to you. I also owe you an explanation. Just," I paused and sighed of frustration, "Please call me back. You don't understand the situation I'm in right now with Louis - remember Louis? Yeah he's here.  Oh and I heard about Harry. I'm not sure if you have...But please, I'm literally begging you. If you're in the Doncaster area, or anywhere surrounding it - please let me know so we can meet up. Thanks have an awes-" The voicemail beep sounded, indicating that I had been cut off and my message was already too long and unimportant.

Checking to see if I had any new calls or text messages one last time, I put myself together and went back inside the building. The building was now active with dwellers, conversations could be heard and people were starting to leave for work and school. Me? I was dressed in a old, holy white t-shirt with pajama pants that said "red hot" on the seat of my bottom. Quickly, I made my way upstairs and to my apartment  that I left unlocked.  

As soon as I opened the door, Tiff came running towards me with her arms wide open. She flung them around me and squeezed as hard as she could while breathing heavily in my ear.

"Oh my god," She turned her head towards the rear of the apartment and shouted, "Louis! I found her! No need to call the police." She then turned her attention back to me. "You son of a bitch, where did you go? You could have gotten kidnapped! Or raped! Or pneumonia!" She untangled herself from me and took a step back with a shake of her head. "You could have-"

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