Chapter Seven

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My heart breaks with every chapter. It reminds me how much closer I am to finishing this series.

Chapter Seven

        I sat at my cubicle for the remainder of the working day. Louis and Mr. Stone had been cooped up within the confines of Mr. Stone's office, while I sat on my iPad and played about ten rounds of Flappy Bird. Since I could see inside Mr. Stone's office, I cast a few glances - around twenty or thirty most likely - at the two men inside. Cindy would pop in from time to time and ask if they needed water or coffee, and both of them would decline up until now.

        I watched as Cindy pushed the door handle down and pushed on the door to open it slightly. Poking her head inside the crack she smiled politely. "Excuse me. Would either of you gentlemen like a water or coffee? You have to be parched."

        Louis stood up from the seat opposite of Mr. Stone and smiled. "Actually, I'd love some water." Cindy went to retreat but Louis spoke again, "Actually Cindy, I'd like to get it myself. Of course, if Mr. Stone doesn't mind." He looked at Mr. Stone who used his hand to gesture towards the door.

        "Please, help yourself Mr. Tomlinson." He said, folding his hands behind his head and reclining in his desk chair.  

        I straightened in my chair and exited my twelfth round of Flappy Bird and smiled at Louis as he walked past me to the water cooler. He didn't even acknowledge my presence, as his attention was focused on the busty blonde that had accused me of trying to sleep with Mr. Stone two days before. I huffed, closing my eyes and feeling foolish for wanting just a smile out of Louis. I knew what I had done  wasn't acceptable, but part of me hoped that everything would magically be okay one day.

        I stood up from my desk and walked out of cubicle and into Mr. Stone's office. He was now working on his laptop, and when he heard me approach his desk he smiled kindly at me. I pursed my lips and took a seat in front of his desk.

        "Mr. Stone," I spoke in a hushed manner, "I actually have something I'd like to confess."

        Mr. Stone peered over the top of his laptop at me, lowering the screen to a forty-five degree angle. "Yes, Ms. Ashford?"

        "Louis and I-"

        "Victoria!" Louis' voice cut through my own and turned around, a scowl forming on my face. "I've been looking for you."

        I stood up and gave him a grim smile. "I was just talking to Mr. Stone here about how we met. Which you rudely interrupted."

        Louis waved his hand in the air and scoffed. "Details, details. It shouldn't really matter, should it?"

        "Actually, it kind of does." I turned to look at Mr. Stone who was engaged in our exchange. "I'm sorry Mr. Stone, I guess I'll have to talk to you about this another time."

        Louis grabbed my elbow as I started to walk past him which stopped me from exiting Mr. Stone's office. "I don't believe we were done discussing the matter, Ms. Ashford."

        "Stop! Just stop it Louis!" I cried, yanking my elbow free of his grip, "Stop saying my name as if it's some disgusting thing! You know absolutely nothing about me. Victoria Green is dead to me and she has been for the past five years!"

        "Victoria," Louis said, his eyes flickering from myself and Mr. Stone.

        I looked over at Mr. Stone who looked genuinely concerned at my sudden outburst as Louis. Ashamed at what I had just said in front of my boss, I rushed out of the room with whatever piece of dignity that I had left.

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