Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

        Concentrating on not tripping and dying in my high heels on my walk home was not an option. Every single noise that was emitted from the impending twilight had my nerves on edge and my reflexives powered up and ready to engage in any sort of action that was thrown my way.

        Passing several dark, deserted allies was not my cup of tea. Especially since I had to walk through one to get to the other side of the apartment complex that Tiff and I shared. Tugging my purse farther up on my shoulder, while clutching my cardigan tight against my body, I took a deep breath and dove head first into the alley that was only lit by a single street lamp.

        The gravel beneath my feet crunched with every step as I walked down the silent and still alley. There were a few stray cats that bounced around trash cans and out of mass dumpsters, but nonetheless a cat couldn't save me from being robbed, or worse - murdered.

        Halfway through the alley, a rustling noise had caught my attention. I slowed my pace to a leisurely walk as my eyes scanned the darkness that enveloped my petite self. The rustling grew closer as I continued my walk down the alley. Seconds away from discovering my second almost-heart attack of the night, I began to wonder if the alcohol had been messing with my brain.

        "Who's there?" a voice called out, the rustling had halted.

        I looked around, sensing that I was near whoever had spoken, but if they were close to me I couldn't see their face or even an outline of their body. Seeing as I was standing underneath the fluorescent lamp that lit the alley halfway through, I continued walking.

        "You there!" The voice called out to me, closer this time. I stopped walking, my heart was beating frantically, and I felt my stomach drop as I came in contact with the second surprise of the night.

        "Yes?" I answered back curtly, taking in his unruly brown hair that begged to be cut at the barber shop. His clothes were torn and battered, especially the once white shirt that he wore. Stains scattered the entire surface area of his clothes and looked as if they hadn't seen an ounce of water or soap in months. In his dirt covered hands, he clutched onto a single navy blue bag.

        "What are you doing in my alley?' He sneered, his grip on his bag tightened at the sight of me taking a step forward.

        I pointed to the end of the alley. "I'm just passing through," I swallowed the tightness I felt in my throat with a loud gulp, "And I don't believe you own this alley. The city of London does."

        "Look here little lady," He stepped closer to me, his chocolate brown eyes were illuminated by the street light that I was standing under, "Nobody passes through this alley at night unless they're looking for trouble."

        I crossed my arms over my chest and calculated the mental state that he must be in to think of things so logically wrong. There was no way that he owned this alley, let alone stopped anyone from passing through it. I knew he wouldn't hurt a fly.

        "No, you look here." I said, standing my ground. "I'm walking through this alley whether you want me too or not. You don't own this alley and I don't either. So why don't we both be the good citizens and part ways? Until next time." I tried to side-step him, but he moved quickly, blocking me from moving forward.

        "No one passes through Liam's alley without paying a price, sweetheart."

        "Liam Payne." I breathed out a sigh of relief, "I knew that was you - but you just confirmed it."

He Wasn't a Jerk In The End (He Wasn't a Jerk #4)Where stories live. Discover now