Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

        The silence between Louis and I was deafening. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears while he stood behind his desk in a calm, collected manner. His eyes were darker because of the lighting in his office, which made him seem more intimidating.

        "Well," Louis said, running a hand over his laptop that was sitting on the desk with it's lid closed, "It appears to be that a cat has gotten your tongue. Wouldn't you say, Ms. Ashford?" He looked up at me and gave me a curious gaze.

        I tried to swallow, but my throat was so dry I could only feel my throat contracting. "As a matter of fact, Mr. Tomlinson, my personal business should not concern you - as I am here against my will on a business matter."

        Louis' expression didn't give a single clue away as he stood, stalk straight with his hands folded behind his back. His legs were parted ever so slightly, giving him the look of danger and intimidation. It radiated off of him, and I could see why he had become such a powerful man as Mr. Stone had described him to be.

        Louis gave a deadpanned laugh. "That's correct. It's not like I am in any concern as to why you had disappeared for five years." He waved a hand dismissively and directed me towards the two chairs in front of his desk, "Take a seat."

        I contemplated at leaving the appointment at that moment, but explaining to Mr. Stone as to how I blew the entire opportunity out the window would have been a long, hard process. Not to mention embarrassing.

        "Look, Mr. Tomlinson," I addressed him as I took a seat in one of the two chairs, "I appreciate this opporunity and I'd hope that our personal business does not get in the way of this very important meeting."

        Louis opened the lid of his laptop, the sleeve of his jacket rising slightly. It gave me a glimpse of a rope knotted into an infinity sign tattoo. I averted my eyes to his face, which was hard in features. He had aged well. For being twenty-six, he didn't look a day over twenty except for the dark stuble and loss of a baby face which was now replaced with a well-define jaw.

        Louis nodded in agreement. "I suppose we'll have some time to discuss personal things after the meeting," He held out his hand, "I assume you have typed up a report?"

        I nodded and awkwardly handed him the thick pages of paper stacked and stapled together. He placed the stack on his desk, next to the laptop. "I'll have a look at them later. The meeting is over." He typed something on his laptop quickly, before he closed the lid and folded his hands ontop of his desk.

        His facial expressions remained the same as he spoke to me. Nothing, not even a muscle, twitched. His hair stayed in place, his lips didn't curl into a disgusted scowl, his eyes didn't lose eye contact with my own. He was completely focused on the matter at hand - and it wasn't the Wilson project.

        "Did you love someone else?" He asked.

        I raised my eyebrows, "Excuse me?"

        "The reason that you left. Was it because there was someone else that you were in love with?" He asked again, but with a simplified question as if I wasn't capable of comprehending a question.

        I crossed my arms across my chest and sat back in the chair. "No."

        "Was it the fame? Could you not handle it? Or didn't you think that I wasn't the one for you? Because, Victoria, I gave you that promise ring." His face softened ever so slightly despite his hard, cold tone.

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