Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

        "Congratulations!" Cheryl exclaimed, pouring a glass of lemonade in front of me, she glanced at me at shot me a knowing grin, "I knew you'd get the job!"

        I let out a nervous chuckle and thanked her for the lemonade before taking a small sip of the sugary goodness that had a hint of bitter lemon flavoring. "Thank you so much for the recommendation Cheryl. I wouldn't have even scored an interview, let alone got on the list, if it weren't for you."

        Cheryl waved her hand in dismissal and used her straw to stir the contents of lemonade in her own glass. "It's my pleasure. After all, you are like family to me."

        I smiled and closed my eyes briefly. "I also have some - interesting news that you might like to hear." I told her, lowering my voice so I wouldn't disturb Henry, who had fallen asleep in the next room while he was watching Little Einsteins.

        "Go ahead," Cheryl encouraged, leaning across the kitchen table ever so slightly, "Lay it on me."

        I inhaled a deep breath. "Mr. Stone supposedly needs a connection to Louis Tomlinson, who has become a self-made billionaire." I paused, staring down at my lemonade, "He brought in a picture into my office as soon as got into work, questioned me about it, set up an interview with Louis for Wednesday and here I am, ready to start a presentation that will hopefully persuade him to help Mr. Stone and not cut my head off." I let out a large exhale, and inhaled again quickly. I plastered a fake smile on my face as I witnessed Cheryl's reaction.

        "Well," She said, tracing a finger along the rim of her glass, "That is totally unexpected." She squinted her eyes and made a face of confusion. "And since when did Louis Tomlinson become a billionaire?"

        I shrugged. "Hell if I know. I just found out earlier today."

        Cheryl looked up at me, her chocolate brown eyes swimming in concern. "Victoria, I love you like my own daughter. And, let me tell you this. You hurt Louis, and I know that you know that. But this is strictly business. And if Louis declines an offer from Stone Enterprises just because you work there, that shows how low of a person he has become and I don't want you to feel sorry for yourself. You've shaped yourself into the wonderful young woman you are today." She paused, placing her hand ontop of mine that was resting atop the wooden table, "I don't want you to fall back into the way you were when we left the United States."

        I swallowed audibly. I was afraid of that happening. I was afraid I would break down when I saw Louis on Wednesday, that all the guilt I had felt over the past five years would hit me like a ton of bricks and that would result in my final breaking point. I was raised better than that, and I didn't want one mistake to dictate my life.

        I nodded, agreeing with Cheryl. "Thank you again, but I must get going." Cheryl walked me to the front door, careful not to make too much noise and wake Henry from his nap in the living room. She gave me a solemn goodbye, a tight hug that I desperately needed and deep down I never wanted to let go of Cheryl.

        "Good luck with Louis," She said, as soon as I was out the door, "Be strong."

        I waved my hand at her, acknowledging that she had spoken to me and unlocked my car door. The ride home was painful, I loved that place. If I didn't want to start a career on get my life on track, I would stay with Cheryl and Henry and never leave. But sadly I had to move on in life and allow them to build a family of their own.

        Instead of going straight home, I decided to stop at Tesco to grab a few things, seeing as we were running low on food and supplies at the apartment. Turning into the parking lot, I took the first parking space that was available and pulled the key from the ignition. I picked up my phone that was laying on the counsel and sent a quick text to Tiffany:

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