Chapter 1: Rainy Day

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Ryujin's POV

I was caught in the rain yet again. It was like as soon as I left school rain just wanted to drizzle all over my tired body. In the city, drivers have absolutely no respect for pedestrians, no matter what the weather is. I would have taken the bus home, but of course I forgot my bus ticket in my locker.

That's another thing about the city, when you lose your bus ticket and you're a broke little 17-year-old like me, you face long walks home. I could have hitched a ride, but Mommy and Mom were always warning me about the dangers of being picked up by a stranger.

Oh yeah, the whole two Mom situation. My two mothers are lovely, but I look nothing like them. I'm just your girl with blue hair. My two Moms are both black. Mommy has long curly black hair, and melted chocolate skin. She's the sweetest person you will ever meet. Well, most of the time. Mom on the other hand has the same chocolate skin, but has the whole butch thing going on. She has muscles on top of muscles. She's not a body builder, but let's just say you wouldn't want to get on her bad side. Mom was in jail before, but that was way before I was born.

Perhaps the cutest thing about my parents is how they're always there for each other. Like when Mom was in jail, Mommy would visit her every single day she could and gave her so much support. So yeah, I have the perfect Moms, they raised me since I was 2. I never knew my real parents. But, now that I'm almost 18 years old, it doesn't bother me that much. My birthday is in a month and I couldn't be happier. I love my parents but for the things I wanna do in life, I need to be 18.

Shit! A car just sped into a puddle and splashed a whole bucket of water on me! This day couldn't have gotten any worse. First, I get asked to prom by a douche that I had to say yes to because all my friends are going to prom with someone, and I don't want to go alone.

Then, I forget my bus ticket and have to walk home in the rain, and now I was drenched in disgusting street water. I wish I could call my parents, but today is their teenage day. This is a day dedicated to them reliving their youth which includes being all lovey-dovey. I guess it has kept their relationship strong because they've been together for 20 years.

I would call them, but they need to spend time alone. Ugh! That damn dickhead got my phone soaked! My phone is my life! And my laptop just broke last night so I guess the only way I'll be able to keep in contact with the rest of the world is through my iPod which is broken too.

Mom is supposed to be buying me another one, but she keeps forgetting. It's not her fault though. Great, another car is coming up. Wait, this car is slowing down. When I turn around I see the most gorgeous, and sleek silver car. I have no idea what type of car it was and I'm not really into cars but this one was sexy.

Oh god. I thought to myself, I prayed that it wouldn't be a fucking pervert. I started running as fast as I could in the rain, but the car caught up to be and the windows began to roll down. It was a woman, a really stunning woman. She has a really perfect nose, paired with her fucking enchanting eyes. I leered at the woman inside of the car; she most definitely wasn't some old creepy pervert.

"Need a ride?" She questioned, still keeping that same elegant smile on her pale pink lips.

"Um, n-no I'm ok thank you." I replied nervously. The truth was I did want a ride badly, but I didn't know this woman and all of Mom's warnings began to pop into my head.

I was so hypnotized by her presence I had barely noticed the music that had been streaming from the radio.

"You sure? You look pretty upset, where are you going anyway?" She tried, as she turned down the music in her car. She had quite a decent taste in music. She played Dalla Dalla by Itzy, my favourtie girl group.

"I live about 2 or 3 miles away." I confessed, I was used to taking long walks, in the city you have to be.

"Jump in, I promise I'm not a killer or anything." She jested, and for some reason I believed her and clambered into the racy vehicle.

The inside of the car was even more remarkable than the outside. The seats were heated and so relaxing I swear I could have fell asleep right then and there. I was so relaxed, this stranger's car felt like my own bed.

"So where do you live?" She asked as she took her foot of the brake and started to accelerate down the street.

"Lenton Lane." I answered as I fished through my pocket and pulled out my now wrecked phone. It was doing that annoying thing where it blinks and flashes before it's about to suffer a terrible death due to water damage.

Some people say if you put it in rice for 2 days it fixes it but since Mommy is cheap she tried it with her own phone and all she ended up with was a wasted bag of rice, which Mom was infuriated with since she came from a house where food was scarce and wasting food was a horrible sin to her. They fought about it for an hour then Mom picked up Mommy and tickled her. Mom and Mommy rarely fought, which is another reason why I loved them.

"Oh, I know exactly where that is." The woman smiled to herself as she continued to drive.

"My name is Ryujin by the way." I decided to tell her my name, I mean she'll already know where I lived why not tell her my name, and if she tried anything Mom would surely kick her ass.

"Nice name Ryujin, my name is Yeji. Don't call me Mrs. Yeji or anything. Just call me Yeji." She laughed and I laughed with her. Usually when I get into the car with someone I don't know that well I'm so nervous about them killing me on the road that I'm too focused on their driving and I don't actually talk to them. But this woman who calls herself Yeji drives exceptionally well. In about 15 minutes we pull up to my house.

"This where you live?" Yeji asked, with a smile as she puts the car in park.

"Yup, do I owe you anything?" I replied, I didn't have any money in the house, but I had a good $500 in my piggy bank in my room.

"No dear. I don't need any money." She laughed, and by the looks of her car and the clothes that draped from her body, I knew she wasn't lying.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later." I grinned as I climbed out of the classy vehicle.

"Here, let me give you my number in case you ever get caught in the rain again and need a ride home." She pulled out a pen and post it note from a compartment in her car and started scribbling on it.

"My phone broke today when I was splashed by an idiot. But I have an email if you ever just want to talk." I know it was wrong to let an older stranger drive me home, and even more wrong to give an older stranger my number, but for some reason everything with Yeji felt right. I watched as she added something to the post it note and handed it to me.

I looked at the piece of paper carefully and saw that she had written her name Hwang Yeji, her number, and her email in perfect cursive. I smiled at the post it note and put it in my purse to shield it from the storm.

"I'll see you later Ryujin." She smiled sweetly at me.

"I'll see you later Yeji." I giggled a little bit then closed her door carefully and ran inside.

Inside, I stared at the little piece of paper.

"I most certainly will see you later Ms. Yeji. I most certainly will."


A/n: Hi guys! Welcome to my new book and I really hope that you will like it 🥰

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