Chapter 3: Hwang Yeji

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Yeji's POV

Being rich can be such a pain, especially when you're single and your kids leave the house. I am happy with what I have accomplished so far. By age 30, I was already being a millionaire, yeah most people can't say that.

I am the CEO of my own company and own multiple businesses. I guess you're wondering what kind of industry I'm in right? You're probably thinking business like investments stocks all that crap. Wrong, I am not the kind of woman to swarm over wall street like flies swarming over faeces.

I am the CEO of a sex toy company. Ever walk into Spencer's and see the name brand dildo called Skylar Vibrations? Well, I am the CEO of that company. You'd be surprised at how much sex toys sell, especially in a recession. People love relieving their stress through sexual pleasure, believe that. The sex industry is recession proof.

On top of being the CEO of my own company, I own three lesbian bars, three sex houses (2 of which are lesbian), and two lesbian strip clubs. As you can see I am a lesbian and proud of it. Women are absolutely gorgeous to me.

But my taste in woman is a little bit different, I love younger woman. I always have loved younger woman. My first girlfriend was 14 and I was 17. Most people think that older men and woman go after younger males and females because of looks.

But not me, for some reason I love being the first to show women the beauties of life. I treat my women well, never cheated a day in my life, never hit a woman, women are diamonds to me. Women are the most precious creatures.

I guess you could label me a sugar momma in a way that's much better than calling me a cougar. I have a lot of money and I love spending it on people I love and care about. I donate much to charity every single year and I always try to help those less fortunate than me.

When I was younger, we didn't have much. My dad was an abusive drunk and my mom had (still has) co-dependency disorder. She was so petrified of being alone, hence she let my father do anything to her. Beat her, call her a worthless piece of shit, and even rape her.

Yeah seeing that till you're 18 can really fuck you up. It took my mom 30 years to finally leave that monster. She called the cops on him. He got some time to be spent in the prison. And now she lives alone in the most gorgeous condo which I bought for her.

I wanted to buy her a mansion, but she said she just wanted a little condo to call her own. My father on the other hand, I didn't give him anything and that bastard is still alive and living in his apartment alone drinking like a fish.

I guess you could say all those events really sculpted me into the person I am today. Unselfish and willing to do anything for someone who really loves me or needs me. Speaking of needed, I met a girl today. Not in the usual bar scene or party scene either.

She was running home in the rain and I asked if she needed a ride. Since she barely looked as though she was 17, I expected her to be a bit leery, but she hopped in anyway.

Such a beautiful girl she was, big beautiful grey blue eyes, midnight blue hair, a shining white smile, and a few tattoos. She didn't say much while I was driving her home, probably because she was so relaxed in my car.

I could have sworn I saw her nod off a few times, it was cute. She said her phone was broken when I asked her if she wanted my number.

I wouldn't have believed her if I didn't see the screen of her phone blinking as if it were about to die. But I gave her my number anyway, along with my name, and email.

Teenagers rarely email anymore so I didn't expect her to email me, but when you own a business you stay on your email.

Speaking of an email she sent me one a few hours ago. It was quite lovely. The way she writes is so simple but beautiful.

She thanked me for the ride, called my car sexy, wished she could call or text me, said her parents weren't home when I dropped her off (thank god) and said it would be funny if I magically caught her running home in the rain again tomorrow.

I should email her back. I grabbed my phone off the kitchen counter and lay across my big soft sofa and began to type:


Dear Ryujin,

You are very welcome. Trust me I know what it's like being broke and not being able to catch the bus home. It's probably hard for you to believe that looking at the car I drive. I didn't always used to have money like that, and I really don't like showing off my money, I just like having a nice car.

I travel a lot due to work. Call me old fashioned but I like emails better than texting. I mean texting is faster, but I feel as though when you send an email you treasure the words because you had to wait for it. I love phone calls though, as long as there is not long and stressful usually my business calls are like that.

I'm happy your parents weren't home. I don't know what type of parents you have, but I know when I was your age and I got dropped off at home by a stranger my parents would have flipped.

What are your parents like? They must be lovely seeing as though they raised such a polite and delightful young woman.

I think it would be a bit funny if I magically caught you running home in the rain again. I would pick you up, but only if you let me. Speaking of running home where were you coming from? Probably school am I right?

Well, I'll be anticipating your email. So long for now.




I click the send button and for some reason, I hold my breath. It's exhilarating for some reason, kind of like when you're back in high school (well back when I was in high school) and you pass your crush a note.

When I was younger I wasn't much of a looker. I had thick dark brown hair, I had horrible eyesight and contacts were extremely expensive and not even that great, so I had to wear these thick framed glasses, I was really skinny, and I had braces. Yeah, I wasn't the most attractive.

I started to bloom my senior year. I saved up money (I had 2 jobs) for those expensive contact lenses, I discovered the art of thinning and styling my hair, I used henna to dye it jet black, my braces came off, I discovered style, and built muscle. I was a heart throb and a lot of girls started to notice me.

College was a party for me, I actually went to get my degree in Psychology, but I still didn't know what I wanted to be. I was living alone barely making it and on top of that, my twin brother died. I don't like brining him up much.

Hyunjin was like my best friend, he was always more gorgeous than I was, straight, and popular. At age 16 he started dabbling in drugs and had a kid at age 20. He died at 25 and I had to raise his son seeing as though both my parents were unfit to.

I would go into deeper than that, but I don't feel like getting into it. I'm just going to pour a glass of red wine and flush down these thoughts while anticipate my newfound friend's reply.

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