Chapter 2: Mom and Mommy

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Ryujin's POV

"How was your day sweetie?" Mom asked me as she looked over and watched me smile at my food.

I had been thinking about Yeji ever since she dropped me off earlier and apparently it was obvious that I had been in my own little world for the last few hours.

"Um, it was good. I have a prom date." I confessed, now my smile turned into a dead frown.

"Oo0000o! Details!" Mommy cried out as she practically jumped out of her seat.

I could see Mom's face hardening as soon as I said the word "prom date".

"He's a dick. I'm just going with him because all of my friends have a date." I angrily stabbed the salad that lay on my plate.

"Don't go with him then angel, I'll go with you." Mom said,you would think that she'd be joking but she honestly wasn't.

"Hyejeong, how would it look for her to show up with her mom who would be wearing a tux. And you know if you go you are gonna get mad at any guy or girl that asks her to dance." Mommy always had a way of making everything sound sensible and soothing. She was usually always able to smooth out my mom's hardness.

"I don't even look my age though Yuna! You know that! I could pass for 18 at least!" Mom yelled, and we all couldn't help but to burst out into laughter. (p/s: it is AOA's Yuna)

"Yeah, and I can still pull my leg up and wrap it around your neck like I used to when I was 18." Mommy giggled to herself and ran her hands through her big curly hair.

"Wanna try?" Mom grinned and began to stand up but Mommy playfully hit her arm.

"Hyejeong not in front of Ryujin!" She exclaimed, it was awkward but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sweetie I'Il take you to the mall on Saturday so you can pick out what you want to wear." Another thing I loved about my parents was how much they were into freedom of expression.

When I dyed my hair they were so supportive, when I cut my hair they were so supportive, and they even let me get my septum piercing on my 16th birthday.

Their only rule for freedom of expression was a maximum of 3 tattoos per year starting on my 16th birthday and they couldn't be bigger than Mom's hand.

But Mom has HUGE hands so I was fine. I had gotten one wrapped around the top part of my arm that had stitches with a bleeding heart on it, I got an Elephant with crayon tusks on the back part of my leg, a music note behind my ear, a few roses on the back of my neck, and a tattoo on my ankle that looked like a bracelet.

I still had one tattoo left that I could get, but I turned 18 in a month so I really wasn't worried. Yeah, my parents were pretty awesome. Not to mention they let me draw and paint all over my walls whenever I wanted to. You probably think that my parents let me do whatever I want but you are extremely wrong.

One time I snuck out to go to a party and came home a little bit tipsy. Mommy held my iPod and handphone hostage until I gave her a 10 page of single-spaced essay with Times New Roman font with its size is 10, on how wrong and harmful it is to drink underage.

Anyway, another time I was on the rag and screamed fuck in front of them, Mom held every electronic I had hostage and for a week made me get up at 5 o'clock with her and jog 4 miles. One mile for every letter of the word "Fuck". So yeah, my parents were strict, but lenient.

"Mommy can I borrow your laptop? I need to type up something for school." I lied, I really was anxious to email Yeji and thank her for giving me a ride home.

"Sure sweetie right after you help Mom clean up the kitchen. And remember just don't check the search history or you might be scarred for the next forever." Her and Mom laughed to themselves as Mom started clearing the table.

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