Chapter 10: Spending The Night

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A/n: We will have two POV'S for this chapter 🤭

Yuna's POV

"She's out having sex." Hyejeong said bluntly as she laid her head on my shoulder.

Ryujin called after school today and told asked if she could hang out at a friend's house, then called about an hour ago to ask if she could spend the night.

Because it was a Friday I said yes of course. I was fine with it, but of course Hyejeong was not. She had been worried when I told her about hanging out with a friend and was petrified when I told her about Ryujin spending the night.

"Baby she's not having sex. Don't you trust her?" I questioned as I laid her head on my lap and rubbed it.

As soon as I told her about Ryujin staying at a friend's house for the night she wanted to go jogging to blow off steam. Somehow I convinced her to lie on the couch and cuddle with me. Usually when she's mad she has to stay active.

"For the millionth time Yuna I do trust her, I just don't trust other people. She's a 17 year old girl, that's a tender age," Hyejeong whined and buried her head in my lap.

"What were you doing when you were 17?" I quizzed and kissed the top of her head.

"Bahahaha," Hyejeong lifted her head up and gave a dirty chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"Exactly! If she is having sex you have no room to talk Ms. Playa," I giggled and climbed on top of Hyejeong playfully.

"Mm, but that all changed when I met you. Some people never grow out of that shit. Remember Dee? The one I used to hang out with back in the day? She never grew out of that shit, she has a wife with two chicks on the side," Hyejeong pointed out and shook her head in disbelief.

"Not everyone is like Dee sweetie. Dee humped anything with a vagina. Before we got together she would always flirt with me." I confessed and watched as an angry look began to form on Hyejeong's face.

"That bitch. She always tried to get on my level but never could. That's why I have a gorgeous house, a stunning wife, and a sweet daughter," Hyejeong smiled and kissed me deeply.

"See? Your life is good, and your daughter is a good girl so stop worrying about Ryujin making bad decisions. Now let's talk about something else, something like work. How was work today?" I asked and snuggled against Hyejeong's soft chest.

"Tiring, I had to instruct 3 classes that were an hour long each, and I had 4 clients come in for an hour long training session. It seems like everybody wants a six pack and Michelle Obama arms these days," Hyejeong complained then closed her eyes.

"Or everyone wants to look just as sexy as you," I flirted and kissed Hyejeong's chin.

"No, everyone wants to look as sexy as you," She chuckled and kissed my nose.

"Baby, remember when we first got together?" I suddenly asked.

One of my favourite things to do with Hyejeong was to reminisce about the old days.

"Yes, you were the most beautiful and cutest girl I had ever met. I thought for sure you were 18 though," Hyejeong sighed and smiled to herself.

"How? My face looked like a 12 year-old and I was all awkward and a tomboy," I reminded her.

When Hyejeong and I first met I was always insecure about how I looked because I was a tomboy and still young.

"Your face was gorgeous, and I liked how you didn't try to force yourself into tight clothes and heels. You were perfect then and you're perfect now," Hyejeong grinned and held me closer.

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