Chapter 5: Access Denied

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A/n: Hi!!! It feels weird to see this note at the top, right? I just want to say sorry for the lack of POV from both Ryujin and Yeji, but trust me, the POV from Ryujin's moms are a part of important points in this story 🤗


Hyejeong's POV

I love 5'oclock in the morning, no I'm not talking about the song. Even though that's the song my alarm blasts.

Yuna had learnt on how to block it out somehow and just rolls over and cuddles her pillow. Most people hate waking up this early, but not me.

The world is so peaceful at 5 o'clock in the morning. Everyone is still asleep and it's like the world stands still, but not me. Nope, 5 days a week (unless there's a holiday) I get up at 5, jog about 7 miles, and sometimes more, depending on my mood and what I ate the night before (which is usually not food) and then I go to my gym where I do a strict workout.

Notice I said my gym. I own my own gym. It's the best one in Lenton, and no I'm not being cocky. It was even in the newspaper It's the best gym in Lenton. The one thing that separates it is that there's no judgment.

Most people avoid gyms because they don't like how they look. I make it known that there's no judgment ergo why it's the best.

I remember when Yuna tried to go exercising with me but that never works out because she watches me, and I watch her and well you probably know what happens from there.

So, she either goes when I have an exercise class and can't watch her or walks a few miles than goes home and does a DVD workout.

The downside to teaching exercise classes is that usually there are a lot of women in there and they all want to flirt with the instructor.

I've never cheated on Yuna, never in our 20 year relationship or 17 year marriage. Yuna already made it clear to me that if she found me cheating after being with her for 20 years that she would burn that mother fuckin thirsty bitches house down.

She also mentioned that she will burn all of my fucking shit and slash my tires and come inside the gym and make a scene and if I dare to call the fucking police on her ass, I better make damn sure that she don't get out of the prison because she will be coming back ten times harder.

Yuna was a sweetie but if you make her mad,  all hell breaks loose. She said if I wanted to leave she wouldn't do that because she would want me to be happy.

But how could I leave her? She's cute, sexy, intelligent, caring, sweet, a great mom, and understanding.

Another thing I love about exercising is how much it clears my mind. Right now, I need my mind cleared because I'm worried about my teenage daughter getting fucked by some other hormonal raged teen. What if she's having sex with an older man or woman?

She does always have celebrity crushes on older women. I mean Joan Jett's almost a decade over than me and she's been obsessed with her for the last forever. Yuna keeps saying I need to relax and to trust Ryujin more, but I just can't relax.

I never used to be like this, when I was younger my only worry was to keep my baby satisfied. Then when we got Ryujin I started worrying about keeping both my babies happy. I always had to be responsible my whole life so being responsible for a baby wasn't that difficult.

I took care of my mother after my dad died of a heart attack when I was 10. I did a lot of shit to make sure we had a roof over our heads. My mom had bad back problems, so she wasn't able to work. I took care of her and my little brother Minho. Minho died when he was 16. He got shot.

I remember it like it was yesterday, probably because it was the same night I took Yuna's virginity. It was like 3 o 'clock in the morning and Yuna had just went to sleep.

I used to never sleep so I was just watching her sleep and I heard the gunshot. Of course, I didn't want to wake up Yuna, she came from the better part of Lenton and only heard a gunshot maybe once or twice a year.

So, I climbed out the bed looked out the window and saw him just laying there in the middle of the street dead. Blood was gushing out of him and he was just still.

The creepiest thing was that me and Minho looked almost exactly alike except I had more muscle (ironic right?) But yeah. It was like seeing my own dead body laying there.

I didn't tell Yuna until later on the next day and I remember how she said she was worried about me and my safety. After Minho died I started being a lot more careful.

So, when Ryujin or Yuna ask me why I'm so protective I always bring up Minho and the million other stories I have about growing up in the hood. I've seen little 17 year old girls turn from sweethearts to ten cent whores on Lenton Street.

Even girls who have the best parents in the world can turn bad. I just want more for Ryujin than a life of disrespect. I trust her, I just don't trust other people. I don't even like bringing Yuna's cousin Kris around because I see the way he watches her. I smacked him silly multiple times before.

If anyone ever touched either of my babies I'd blow their fucking heads off. Even though I went to jail, I still have a gun. Yuna lets me keep it but she keeps the bullets hidden for me so basically it's worthless.

I can't help but wonder who Ryujin was emailing the other day. I mean she could have found somebody online and they're actually an old man or an old woman. I'm fine with online dating but still some of those websites aren't legit.

Maybe if I just looked at the name of the person who sent it I would feel better. Yeah, maybe just the name would make me feel better. If the screen name is something like: Ilickpussy1960 I know it's an old man or old woman.

I carefully sneak across the room and grab Yuna's laptop. It was a gift I gave her on our 20th year anniversary. It wasn't cheap but she deserved it. It even had a voice activation option for extra security. Lucky for me she never used that.

I open the laptop and the start-up screen pops up. For some reason I feel a rush go through me. Then suddenly a little icon pops up and says: "Please state password."

Shit, that woman knows me too well. I can't believe she would put the lock on it because she was afraid of me checking Ryujin's emails.

I try clicking around the screen to see if the message goes away, but it just makes this loud click noise and I see Yuna move around in her sleep.

"Hyejeong." I say in the way Yuna would say it, in her joyful soothing voice. It doesn't work and it says:

"Access denied." I bite my lip with anger and try again.

"I love Hyejeong." I say again in the same voice, but again it says access denied.

"Hyejeong is a silly, nosy woman who needs to trust her damn daughter." Yuna's voice startles me, and I turn around and see her standing right behind me.

The page unlocks and she grabs the laptop with a smirk and walks out of the room. I start to say something to her, but I know where the conversation is going. I'm already twenty minutes behind my exercise schedule and I need to clear my head.

Hopefully when I get home Yuna will forget this little incident (which I doubt) and Ryujin will come home and say that she's dating someone who's her age and is planning to wait till marriage. Someone I wouldn't have to worry about, a nerdy guy or a nerdy girl. But nerdy people like to try the freakiest things in bed.

Ugh, Hyejeong get a hold of yourself. I grab my gym bag and walk out the door leaving a million worries and problems behind me.

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