Chapter 22: Mom and Mommy Fought

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Yuna's POV

It was around 8 o'clock and I lay on the couch bored. Since I had gotten Grandma Shin to lock Ryujin and Hyejeong in the garage, I knew that they wouldn't be returning that night. I had written all day until I could write no more, but I was still bored out of my mind.

Suddenly my phone began to play Gee by Girls Generation and my eyes lit up. There was only one person on my phone who had that ringtone and that was my best friend Jo Kwon.

Jo Kwon and I had been friends for years now. Before he started screwing a new hairstylist at the spa he worked at, we used to hang out all the time. It was funny how me and Jo Kwon met.

Hyejeong had given me a full package to a spa. I'm not a woman who likes to be pampered much (unless it's by my baby) so I wasn't too thrilled about the trip. But of course, I wouldn't tell Hyejeong that.

When I arrived there I got a massage, a facial, a lovely lunch, and a manicure on my nails and feet. The last thing that I was going to get done was my hair.

I had the kind of hair where people turned around and were flabbergasted. So, when it came time to it every hairstylist looked at my hair and did not know what to do with it. I was disgusted behind the whole thing and I was about to leave.

Suddenly this pretty looking man (yes I said pretty) came up to me and started touching my hair. He was obviously gay and the most adorable gay man I had ever met. He had short curly brown hair, these gorgeous green eyes with long eyelashes done up with mascara and he wore a fake mole and a bit of lip gloss.

He did not match the environment at all. At first the owner said that he could not do my hair because he wasn't qualified. I demanded that he do it and of course with my amazing debating skills I got what I wanted. He did my hair, and it was the loveliest thing I had ever seen. It was so shiny, so full, and so bouncy. Ever since that day we have always been close.

"Hello ?!" I answered excitedly.

"Yuna sweetheart ?!" Jo Kwon responded happily.

For the next few minutes, we were both screaming into the phone excitedly talking about how we had missed each other. We were acting like two teenage best friends who hadn't seen each other in years.

"I should slap you across the face for not calling me in like forever," I complained angrily.

"Oh, honey I learned my lesson. That guy at the spa was cheating on me. I've rinsed him out of my sheets and my life and I'm happy to be a single diva again," Jo Kwon spoke confidently.

"Well, I'm proud of you dear," I laughed.

"We need to hang out tonight!" Jo Kwon demanded and I began to laugh harder.

"Well lucky for you my baby is gone for the night, so I'm bored out of my mind. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

Knowing Jo Kwon, he would want to go to an LGBT bar.

"Hmmm.. How about the bar?!" Jo Kwon exclaimed happily.

"Fine, but I'm not getting drunk or any of that other stuff, "I warned him.

"Oh fine, fine. Be ready by ten alright honey? Margaritas here we come!" Jo Kwon squealed and I laughed then hung up the phone.

"So, how's Ryujin been?" Jo Kwon asked as we sat at the bar and sipped our drinks.

The bar was more relaxing then I expected it to be. It had a very mellow vibe to it, and I loved being here. I had to bring Hyejeong one weekend.

"You know a teenager. Haha, she's about to graduate and her prom was yesterday." I explained as I watched the bartender.

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