Chapter 19: Busted

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Yeji's' POV

"What the fuck are you doing with my daughter bitch ?!" I heard Hyejeong roar.

Everything had happened so fast it took me a while to take it all in. One minute I'm in the pool skinny dipping with Ryujin and the next Hyejeong has broken down my gate and is trying to pelt me with patio chairs.

"Mom!" Ryujin screamed as she tried to cover herself in the pool.

Without even looking at her I knew she was pissed and embarrassed as hell.

"Uh-uh," I stuttered.

I was scared out of my mind and I could have sworn I pissed my pants.

"Oh, so now you have nothing to say bitch. I bet your ass had a lot to say to get in my daughter's fuckin pants!" Hyejeong screamed again then dived into the pool.

Hyejeong was like a shark in the pool, and I was a scared and helpless guppy. I could have tried to swim away, but it was useless. Without any effort Hyejeong dragged my naked body out of the pool and threw me onto the grass.

Apparently she was showing me some mercy because she could have easily slammed me down onto the concrete. I tried to get up and I tried to scream but before I could Hyejeong was punching the daylights out of me.

It hurt like a bitch. It was probably the worst beating I had ever had in my life; no, it was the worst beating I had ever had in my life. She punched me dead in my face, she punched me in my ribs, my nose was bleeding, and I literally thought I was seeing stars.

At that point I just wanted to pass the fuck out, but my body wouldn't let me.

"Mom get the fuck off her!" Ryujin screeched and tried to pull Hyejeong off me.

For some reason this made Hyejeong stop, and she got ten times angrier.

"Little girl what the fuck did you say to me?! You don't ever fucking talk to me like that! Especially not because I tried to save you from this old fucking whore!" Hyejeong fired back and now I got pissed.

"Who the fuck are y- " Before I could even finish my sentence Hyejeong smacked me across the face.

"Mom get off her or I'll call the cops!" Ryujin threatened and Hyejeong began to burst into laughter.

"Bahahaha really Ryujin! If you call the cops they're going to praise me for beating the shit out of an old woman who tried to fuck my daughter!" Hyejeong barked.

"Ugh!" Ryujin yelled and tears began to stream down her face.

It hurt me to see my baby like this, it hurt me so much.

"I can't believe you Yeji ... I really can't believe you ..." Hyejeong confessed.

For the first time that night she actually seemed sad instead of angry and to be honest that was worst. I could deal with someone being mad at me, but when I hurt someone emotionally that killed me inside.

Tonight, was supposed to be a goodnight. My bulletproof plan had just been shredded to pieces by a deranged Rottweiler that was trying to protect her pup.

"Hyejeong if you just let me ex-" I started but of course I was shut down by Hyejeong.

"Let you explain? Let you explain? You've never had a fucking daughter before! You don't know what it's like to stay up all night and worry about people coming into her life and hurting her! You don't know what it's like to worry about your daughter falling in love with a player who is just gonna lose her! And as much as you warn them and try to raise them right you never know! You don't fucking know what it's like to be a mother to a teenage daughter Yeji!" Hyejeong cried out and I knew she was trying to hold back tears.

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