Chapter 25: Ryujin Is Gonna Turn 18 Soon

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Yuna's POV

"I think we've discovered the fountain of youth," I whispered in Hyejeong's ear as she held me close.

The silence was interrupted by her bursting into laughter.

"Yuna sweetie I think the combination of whatever you had at Yeji's house and what we just did in this bed is going to that beautiful head of yours," She joked and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Im serious Hyejeong! What if the fountain of youth is having fun and childishness?" I posed and now she was giving me a huge smile.

One of the things I adored how every time I had a crazy thought Hyejeong would just smile at me and listen. Deep down I knew she was thinking that I was insane, but at least she didn't show it.

"Baby those are the two things people need to do in order to survive in this world. Learning how to have fun and still keep your youth while tending to other responsibilities is what life is about," Hyejeong agreed, and I crawled on top of her and held her hands tenderly.

"We should take a vacation," I suddenly suggested and now she looked at me as if I were insane.

"We have a daughter Yuna" She reminded me, and I squeezed her hands.

"Ryujin is about to start college in the fall. When she goes away for college we could take a week vacation to a cabin or somewhere. I always thought cabins were the most romantic and sensual places," I beamed and Hyejeong rolled her eyes playfully.

"You know what happens up in those mountains. Haven't you ever watched a scary movie? A couple is having a good old time in that cabin and bam! A killer knocks down the door and it turns into a Jason movie," Hyejeong exaggerated and now I was bursting into laughter.

"First of all, scary movies are hilarious because they are not true! And second of all it be kind of sexy to be in a real horror movie. You'd make a sexy lesbian Jason, you know minus the head deformity and all," I flirted jokingly and then laid back down on the bed.

"Yuna baby you're crazy. But seriously though, we can't just take a vacation without Ryujin. How would she feel?" Hyejeong questioned and then I closed my eyes to think for a second.

In a way I always felt as though we sheltered Ryujin. She had never been home alone for more than 24 hours. The last vacation Hyejeong and I took alone was our honeymoon. We went to Hawaii and it was the most relaxing week of my life.

"She'll be in college having the time of her life. College is crazy trust me. Good girls go bad in college," I chuckled and Hyejeong gave me a stern look.

Unlike Hyejeong I went to a traditional 4 year college and had the whole college experience, Hyejeong knew a traditional 4 year college wasn't for her so she missed out on the college experience.

While I was in college she was so paranoid that I would break up with her in college, of course that never happened. I would have been a fool to break up with a woman like Hyejeong.

"Well, she is! But before we even start to plan the vacation, we need to start planning her eighteenth birthday party!" I squealed and began rolling around in the bed.

"I am not having a bunch of wild teenagers up in my house breaking shit," Hyejeong stated, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"How about we have a family party and then she can go out for the night with her friends. I mean she'll be 18 she can technically do whatever she wants," I reminded her, and she went into deep thought.

"I like that idea. Plus, I don't want to know how my daughter acts in a party setting. If she's anything like you then I definitely don't want to know. Ms. Body Shot and dance behind the bar with the bartender," Hyejeong teased, and I busted into laughter.

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