Chapter 13: Turn Off The Tracker, Hyejeong

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Yuna's POV

"Bae, did they get home alright?" Hyejeong asked when I stumble into the door at 11am.

Our mother's had fought so much at dinner that we ended up cutting it short. Since Hyejeong had gotten beyond stressed and had a few drinks I of course was given the lovely job of driving the two bickering ladies home.

"Yeah, your mom had to sit in the front seat though because she was about to strangle my mom. Now I know where you get your temper from," I giggled then slipped off my pants and shirt and crawled into bed.

As soon as I did I could smell the smell of alcohol coming from Hyejeong's mouth.

"Yeah, she might be a little lady, but she hits like a man," Hyejeong laughed with a relaxed look on her face.

"Babe are you wasted or just a little buzzed? "I questioned and laughed.

After a long night of our mother's arguing back and forth I definitely needed a drink myself. I never liked drinking around Ryujin, but thankfully Yeji's daughter Jessica had called saying she felt better and that she wanted Ryujin to come back over.

Perhaps the best thing about tonight was the fact that I got to see my old friend Yeji again. Yeji, Hyejeong, and I go way back. She was always so much fun to hang out with and had the best parties.

"I'm in the middle. Maybe you should be in the middle with me, "Hyejeong grinned and pulled me into her and held me.

Since my tolerance for alcohol was so low one drink would have me stripped naked and giggling like a virgin college girl at a party.

"No baby I'm good," I giggled and snuggled against her more.

"Aw come on. Ryujin's hanging out with Jessica and we both have nowhere to go in the morning," Hyejeong pushed then climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Yep you are wasted, and I can't believe we saw Yeji again," I said trying not to giggle as Hyejeong rubbed up and down my thighs.

"You know what I can't believe?" Hyejeong questioned with a grin.

"Mm what you knucklehead?" I chuckled and wrapped my legs around her waist.

"That I gave Ryujin that phone," Hyejeong confessed and now her grin turned to a frown.

"How the hell do you go from horny as fuck to paranoid as fuck?" I requested playfully and wrapped my legs around her tighter trying to ease her worries.

"I was just a little leery when I gave it to her. If I tell you something will you promise not to get mad?" Hyejeong questioned and looked at me closely.

"Baby what did you do?" I demanded and stared into her eyes intensely.

"Put a tracking device in her phone." Hyejeong admitted and stared down nervously.

"That's it!" I screamed then crawled from underneath Hyejeong and jumped on her back and started spanking her playfully.

"Bad Mommy! Bad Mommy! Bad Mommy! "I screamed then started tickling her all over.

No matter how hard Hyejeong appeared she was a big softy deep down who was extremely ticklish.

"Yuna! I-it was just to make sure we wouldn't lose her or anything!" Hyejeong screamed and tried her hardest not to giggle from my constant tickles.

"Take off the tracker now and I won't tickle you to death!" I threatened jokingly.

"F-fine! Fine!" Hyejeong surrendered and I crawled off of her and kissed her sweetly.

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