Chapter 24: Getting Deeper Into You

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Yeji's POV

I thought I would never get Hyejeong, Yuna, Chaeryeong and Jisu out of my house. They stayed to a good 12 o'clock at night. I remind you they came at around 5.

We had so much fun though. It felt just like the old days. Except now everyone's more hyper. It's ironic right?

I'm not going to lie it was pretty hilarious when Jisu offered Hyejeong her red wine. Jisu's red wine is usually always accompanied by two shots of vodka mixed in. Jisu is a hardcore drinker but just fools everyone by only sipping on red wine and champagne.

That stuff is so strong it could knock a 300lb man out. I've always wondered why it couldn't knock her 120lb self out.

I couldn't believe that no one fought tonight. I expected at least one tiny dispute. But to my surprise Hyejeong remained mellow, and Chaeryeong didn't make her rude perverted comments.

For the first hour I was walking on eggshells and then after that I was just relaxed. You don't know how much it was killing me inside to know that I had heart two people who mean a lot to me.

Now I need to work on fixing everything with the person who means the most to me right now, Ryujin.

I haven't talked to her since the night when Hyejeong bombarded my pool and pulled her out of it. I guess that's a lovely last memory.

I was passed out all of yesterday so I couldn't call her, and after what Jisu told her I was too embarrassed to call her back when I was awake. Everything is so complicated right now and I keep putting the fixing process off.

I know the first thing she is going to mention is my secret life. Hyejeong probably told her, and I know she thinks I'm some big fat liar. But technically I didn't lie; I just didn't reveal everything about myself.

"Ding, dong," My phone buzzed. It reminded me that I needed to change my ringtone because my cell phone sounded like a doorbell and my doorbell sounded like a cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered and there was a silence after I said hello.

I knew exactly who it was.

"Wow you finally answered," Ryujin replied sarcastically, and I couldn't help but frown.

I deserved it all though.

"Look Ryujin can I explain?" I started but I heard her sigh, and I knew she wasn't interested in me explaining anything.

"You have a minute to explain everything," She warned, and I sighed in annoyance.

"A minute? I can't even explain everything in 5 minutes. It would be better if you could actually come over," I mentioned and there was a long pause again.

"Well, I'm on the bus right now coming back from this thing and the bus that I'm on isn't taking me anywhere near your house," Ryujin explained, and I bit my lip with agitation.

"I can pick you up, just hop off the bus," I offered, and I heard her sigh again.

"At 12 fucking at night you want me to hop off the bus and wait for you to drive all the way from the other side of down to come pick me up? This is the city, it isn't the county," Ryujin complained, and I agreed with her that my idea was a bit stupid.

"Okay well where were you getting off at?" I asked praying she wasn't going somewhere besides home.

"I was going to go home, but I don't feel like Mom and Mommy interrogating me," She replied.

"Well, I can tell you right now your Mom and Mommy are going to be very preoccupied tonight, just saying," I laughed, and I heard Ryujin laugh a little bit.

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