Chapter 23: Mommies and Yeji

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Hyejeong's POV

I feel good today. No, I feel really good today. There's nothing like a long and sexy night with the most amazing woman in the world to make a lesbian feel good. Making love to Yuna last night felt ten times better than usual.

Don't get me wrong, every time we make love I see stars, but last night it was like I sky rocketed into another universe.

It started with Yuna and I in the bathtub and her sexy legs wrapped around me while I grinded her as hard as I could. She kept digging her nails into my arm and I kept kissing her all the way from her lips to her neck and then everywhere else.

I carried her into the bedroom and we just kept going for it all night in a bunch of different ways. We haven't done that since we were in our 20's. Damn I miss being 20.

I think the best part of the night though was after we finished. I held her close to my body and kept kissing her soft cheeks and running my fingers through her curly hair.

We talked about everything last night. She told me how stressed she's been and how she doesn't want Ryujin to leave but she knows that she has to.

She told me about her amazing book and about how she worries about me. I know for a fact that her next book is going to be a best seller or at least up there in ratings.

It's about a married lesbian couple with a teenage daughter. The entire story is told in the Mother's Point of View which would be like Yuna's point of view.

While I was reading it, I could feel so much emotion in it. I think it told the story of the average married lesbian with a child; it could change a lot of people's views.

You know how you watch those movies and then after the people have sex some bad news is given to them? That sort of thing happened to me this morning, but I didn't let it get to me.

Yeji actually called me and said she wanted to talk about things. I knew she was afraid; I could just hear it in her voice.

I wasn't mad though, maybe it was because of last night or maybe I've just accepted the fact that I can't change what goes on between them. Yeah I could yell, throw a fit, and all the shit I've been doing, but it really doesn't do anything.

It's going to be awkward when I go over there this afternoon I just know it is. Yuna agreed to go with me so everything should be good. I hoped so.

"Sweetie what should I wear? I mean should I wear something that says I'm serious about all of this, or something that's says I'm serious, but I'm also lenient?" Yuna asked as she walked out of her walk in closet holding up one outfit that looked screamed corporate America and the other that looked like something a sexual teacher would wear.

I couldn't help but get a big grin on my face.

"What? What's so funny?" She demanded with slight annoyance.

"Come here," I beckoned and as she came closer I grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap.

"I wish you could wear nothing," I flirted, and she turned around to face me and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Then Yeji would see all my goodies and you'd be locked up for the night," She whispered in the sexiest way and I fell back onto the bed laughing.

"Hyejeong I'm serious! I need your help with what to wear!" Yuna demanded as she kissed my head and climbed off of me.

"Well neither of them look like you. Well maybe the sexy one on special private occasion, but just wear what you normally would. You know a pair of skinny jeans with knee high boots, a top, and those diamond earrings I bought you. Hell, you'd even look fine in my sweats and a beater," I assured her and then she looked at me closely before she strolled back into the closet.

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