Chapter 11: The Two Grandmas and The Gorgeous Woman

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A/n: Well, this is quite a long chapter 😅

Hyejeong's POV

So, this whole Ryujin leaving the house for the night thing wasn't so bad after all. My baby and I got to spend so much time together.

I admit hearing that Ryujin was staying at a friend's house really freaked me out, but after talking to Yuna everything felt better.

I swear that woman can calm down anyone, even a hothead like me. She's so romantic in the way she calms me down too.

I mean who wouldn't be relaxed with a sultry woman like my baby massaging them and just saying all the right things?

At first I thought there was going to be this huge blow up because of the whole mom get together thing. I can understand why Yuna wouldn't want her mom to see my mom again. Yuna's mom is a fucking bitch I swear. She's so traditional it's like insane.

She believes that women should never wear "trousers" and that they should be submissive to their husband. She's one of those stuck up women too, another reason why her mom and my mom don't mix.

My mom is probably the most down to earth and caring woman you will ever meet. I mean at the young age of 60 she still opens her doors to anyone in need. Somehow I was able to convince Yuna to let both our mothers come over for dinner tonight.

At first she freaked out and said she needed at least a week to prepare, but then I calmed her down and she was somewhat fine with them coming over tonight. Since my mom is 60 and Yuna's mom is knocking on 70's door, we both have to go get them and bring them to our house.

Because Yuna is still pissed at me I have been given the dreaded task of going to get her mother while she goes and gets mine.

So right now, I'm bumping to my music and driving all the way across town to go get a stuck up old fart while she goes and picks up my sweet mama and then goes to pick up Ryujin.

I know for a fact that Ryujin is not going to be thrilled with the fact that she has to sit through a dinner with Grandma Seo. Grandma Seo has a tendency to pick out every little flaw in me and Yuna's parenting while she's in front of Ryujin.

She said that Ryujin wouldn't be able to act like a proper lady because Yuna isn't dainty (I think Yuna is as dainty as a ballerina) and that I'm certainly not dainty, which I'm not but still. The easiest way to make me knock the shit out of you is to talk about my parenting skills.

Yuna and I raised Ryujin on love, trust, and creativity. I know everyone thinks I don't trust Ryujin, but I do.

I just don't trust a lot of other people her age. Suppose she meets someone that was like me when I was 17?

I had (still have) so much charm it was ridiculous. I wasn't egotistical, but having confidence was everything to me.

Sex was everything to me too at that age. I was a horny thing when I was a teenager.

When I met Yuna I had gotten more mature, but my hormones were still raging. That whole idea that your hormones slow down after you're a teenager is a complete lie. I'm almost 45 and mine are still there.

Anyway, when I met Yuna for the first time I could tell that she wanted to have sex with me. She wasn't a whore so I knew smooth talk wouldn't have instantly spread her legs, but I knew just the right things to make her open up.

I didn't want to use her though because we actually had a connection. My point is that there are a lot of bad people in this world that would love to take any girl like Ryujin for a ride. I know she's smart enough to not let it happen, but I worry.

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