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"Big Q?" Wilbur yelled as he ran around the corner.


"Wilburrrrr!" He held out the r and threw open his arms, but not as if he was making a hugging gesture, "My man!"

"Ahg, what's he doing here?" Tommy jokingly complained.

"Don't be rude!" Phil laughed.

"Have you eaten yet?" I piped up

"Do those pretzels you get on the plane count?" He chuckled.

"No, definitely not. Have you ever had Ziti before?"

"No, what's that?"

"Have you had lasagna?"


"It's like lasagna but better."

"I don't like lasagna."


We stood there looking at each other for a bit, unsure of what to say.

"I mean I could try it," He broke the silence.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, y'know," I replied.

"I might as well, I could've just had some bad lasagna the first time I tried it."

He made his way over to where Wilbur was still standing and looked around, making a beeline for the table as soon as he saw it.

"Don't do it Big Q, it's awful!" Tommy shouted, a snicker being the only thing following his words.

Despite the obvious joking tone that came from Tommy my face felt cold as I grew more embarrassed. Seemingly, Phil noticed and decided to say something.

"What did I say about being rude? Besides, you finished it, didn't you? If you hated it that much you wouldn't have eaten it." He snapped playfully.

By the time I got myself to stop dwelling on what Tommy had said Alex already had a small amount of the Ziti on his plate. it looked like he had gotten a part that didn't have too much sauce, thankfully. He took a bite and sat there for a second, chewing it.

"This isn't too bad," He stated, "it's actually pretty good." He scooped another bite into his mouth.

"You have terrible taste," Tommy said plainly as he sat down.

"You just don't know how to appreciate a good meal," Wilbur said in a similar tone, mocking Tommy a bit. Tommy drew back, throwing his hand over his heart.

"How dare you say that! I can appreciate a good meal, I just have TASTE!"

George smacked him in the back of the head lightly, "My sibling's an amazing cook!" He shouted, his bright smile more obvious than ever.

I shook my head and sat down, letting myself drift back into my own thoughts while everyone- besides Alex- spoke to each other a pretended to argue about whether I was a good cook or not. So much happened today that I didn't expect to happen. I hit four million subscribers, I met a group of guys in a parking lot- all of which turning out to be famous, exchanged users with one of said guys, went to my brother's house to have a small celebration and met ALL OF THOSE GUYS AGAIN. And, well Alex. Alex seemed cool, he seemed to care about my safety at that moment more than a lot of other people ever have.

I couldn't help but feel like this was going to be the start of a new, nice, kept from the public friend group.

"Hey, you ok?" Alex said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I didn't notice that he had moved so that he was next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The rest of the boys were still screaming and running around while they continued to speak amongst themselves.

"You seem," he paused, "Lost in thought?" he said, more as a question.

"I mean, kind of. Today was just more than I was expecting I guess."

"I mean, I could help calm you down if you'd like."

I raised a brow and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, a lot has happened today. We could just leave and watch a movie or something, maybe play a game. I don't know, I feel like it would be calming."

He could tell. He could tell that I was in the wrong headspace and that I was nervous.

"We could also get you out of that suit if you want."

I looked up and him with wide eyes, "We could what?"

He returned my look, panic closing in on his face while he flushed red, 'No, no- I didn't mean it like that," He chuckled and touched the back of his neck, "I meant, like, we could find you something to change into since you look uncomfortable."

I sighed and put my hands over my face. I landed back in my chair, "Thank gosh, I thought I would have to call George over," I said, jokingly. If I had a problem I knew that I would probably be able to take care of it myself.

"Oh no," He said sarcastically, "George is going to hurt me, whatever shall I do." He grinned.

"You've never been here before, have you?" I asked.

"How would you know that?"

"Well, for one, you're the only one in this house that isn't British. And two, you took a moment to look around before sitting down earlier."

He looked appalled.

"I didn't know voices matter so much to you," He said, pretending to be upset.

"They don't, but when you grew up around no one who sounds different than your immediate family members you're going to notice an accent."

He gave me another weird look before cracking a smile.

"Anyways, do you want to go to the guest room? There's a TV in there and it has Netflix."

He stood and offered me a hand.

"I can take care of myself, you know."

I took his hand anyways.

Jubilee Line- Wilbur SootxEnby (non-binary) readerWhere stories live. Discover now