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Another empty ring, no response from the person I was trying to reach. No one had picked up so far, a show of how important they thought my words were. Niki, Phil, Tommy. None of them had picked up. There was no way I was going to call my brother, I didn't want him to worry too much, and there was only one more person I was planning on calling.


A few stray raindrops fell on my phone screen as my thumb hovered over the bright red call button at the bottom of his contact. Despite the amount of crying I'd thought I'd do in this situation, I was completely void of tears. The, surprisingly visible, starry night sky was beautiful above me. I stared at it, the echo of a smile playing at my lips. I pressed call.

After a few rings, the call tone stopped.

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered, obviously just woken up by me.

"Hi, Wilbur."

"What's up? It's two am, why are you calling."

"I just... wanted to hear your voice again, I guess."

"Oh. Ok, that makes sense I think. What are you doing right now?" I could hear him shuffle, most likely sitting up.

"Enjoying the view."

"What does that mean?"

I neglected to answer, looking up at the sky again. The stars really were beautiful.

"Maybe it would be best for you to just forget me."


"All I ever do is hurt people. In the end, I'll just hurt you too."

"No, no! Don't think like that. You're not going to hurt me, Y/N!"

"Right. Just, try to forget me, ok?"


"I'm sorry."

I hung up.

There I stood, staring down at the road. All I would have to do was give myself a push, and then I'd be free. I could see Alex again, and I wouldn't have to miss him anymore. Though, I found myself shaking, feeling bad. Will had sent me a message a few hours ago, while I was on my way to the vacant building, which is what caused me to call him. The fence installed to stop people from jumping a few years ago had gotten weak and flimsy, so it was easy to cut through.

The bolt cutter's I had brought to get through the wires sat next to me on the ledge. Slowly, I let my eyes close and took a breath in, letting in the brisk air. I offered the stars one last look, a pang of guilt resting into my chest. But, I wasn't going to let myself back out now. I just needed to gain the courage again, and then I'd be home free.

I was standing there for at least 15 minutes before I had begun to push myself forward. I let out a shaky breath and let go of the fence just as slow, if not even slower, than I had closed my eyes. I prepared to push myself off and-

"Y/N, NO!"

Strong arms wrapped around my back and pulled me back into the fence, my back slamming on the metal.

"Please don't leave me, I can't lose you!" Will wailed, squeezing me.

His arms were stuck through the fence, holding me against it as hard as he could. I could hear him crying lightly, and I could tell that I was about to start. Sirens echoed below me.

He had hitched a ride with the police.

"Will," My voice broke as I looked back at him.

He was looking at me with pleading eyes as tears dripped down his face.

"Don't leave me, Y/N. I can't lose you too..."

"Will, let me go."


I tried to wiggle out of his embrace, but he was holding me still.

"Will PLEASE! Just let me go!"

I could feel him shake his head against my back.

"If you let me go I can climb back over the fence."

"Will you actually?"


"Do you promise?"

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Y/N, please. You have so much to live for. Don't leave us yet, give it time. It'll get better!"

"I can't wait any longer!"

"Well can I at least try to help you? Please, just let me help you feel better. We can't lose you, George can't lose you!"

I broke down.

Will helped lift me through the hole I had cut in the tall wires.

"I'm so sorry," I chanted, my sobs muffled by his chest as he held me. We stayed there, leaning against the rough walls for about an hour.

"I should've paid more attention to you, I'm sorry Y/N. I should've helped."

"Don't say that- I should've said something. It's my fault, all of this is my fault."

"Nothing that's happened is your fault! I promise!"

"I'm the one that distracted Alex, Will! It is my fault! I should've been paying more attention."

"You didn't know!"

"Well, I should've! Alex would still be here if it wasn't for me. I did this, it's all my fault!"

Will hugged me again, muttering small "it's okay"s and "it's not your fault"s. We must have sat there for another 15 minutes before Will spoke up.

"Are you ready to go home, or do you need more time?"

I nodded, "I'm ready."

Will had driven to the building, but I still wasn't entirely sure I wanted to get into a car. We agreed to take the subway to the stop nearest to my home and that Will would come back and get the vehicle tomorrow. 

Jubilee Line- Wilbur SootxEnby (non-binary) readerWhere stories live. Discover now