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Honerva stood in the middle of a room on the planet Altea, her head was throbbing and her hands were shaking slightly.

Suddenly, her eyes turned white and it felt like she was in a different place completely. She saw betrayal and sadness, power and corruption. And she saw a war, Voltron fought multiple Galra ships, and... what looked like... Altean battle cruisers?

The master alchemist's eyes turned back to their normal white with yellow pupils.

She knew the future, or at least part of it, and there was no time to waste. Honerva immediately ran out of the room and down the long corridors to the landing pad of the lions of Voltron, her purple hair bouncing against her shoulders.

When she reached the hanger, all the lions had just landed and the paladins were standing in the middle of the room talking. The paladins of old; were Zarkon of planet Dibazaal and pilot of the Black Lion. Alfor of Altea and pilot of the Red Lion. Trigel of the Dalterion Belt and pilot of the Green Lion. Blaytz of planet Nalquod and pilot of the Blue Lion. And Gyrgan of planet Rygnirath and pilot of the Yellow Lion.

Hovnera walked over to her husband Zarkon and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm glad you all came back alive once again," she said.

"Just barely," said Blatyz. "Alfor almost got his head chopped off by a bandit on Rygnirath. We had to bail him out," he smiled.

"I had it covered," Alfor raised his eyebrow.

"Sure you did, you would definitely still be alive if I hadn't killed that one thief," responded Trigel, sarcastically.

Everyone laughed.

Honerva smiled. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I need to borrow Alfor for a dobosh, it's urgent."

They all looked at each other for a tick. "Of course," Alfor said.

Honerva led Alfor away from the others, and into an empty room. When they entered, she shut the door behind them.

"What's on your mind, my friend?" Alfor asked.

Honerva sighed. "War will come."

The king of Altea's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? The planets of our universe are peaceful, they would never even think about war!"

"I know what I saw, Alfor! After ten thousand deca pheebs, an empire will rise from where you will least expect."

"You had a vision, didn't you," he replied, his tone growing worried.

"I did," Honerva nodded.

"Well what can we do? No one can survive ten thousand deca pheebs, just to stop an empire that's supposed to appear at one point."

They thought for a moment.

"Wait... the cryofreezing pods! We could pick someone to go!"

"Alright, I will intrust my daughter to reform Voltron when the time comes." he said.

~~~~that night~~~~

Alfor walked with Allura and Coran to the cryopods, silence was looming over all of them. Coran was Allura's guardian and one of Alfor's best friends. Therefore, he had been trusted to accompany the princess for the mission.

When they reached the pods, the five paladins, Honerva, and Allura's mother, Melanor, waited for them.

Allura hugged her mother tighter than she had ever before. Coran hugged Alfor, he was more than just a king to him, he was a brother.

"Take care of my daughter." Alfor hugged Coran. It was a short hug, but meaningful.

When they part, Allura comes over to her father and embraces him, "Goodbye Allura," Alfor said as he kissed her head.

Allura and Coran stood in the cryopods as they shut, and everyone that watched them began to blur. They were frozen in the pods and taken to the planet Arus in the castle of lions.


Hi! Thanks for reading my first chapter. I know it's not the best, but I promise my writing will get better. Leave a comment, I would love to hear what you think. 🦄

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