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We walked in and saw Shiro was already there.

"Seriously Allura, you said two vargas, it hasn't even been one," said Hunk when he walked in with Pigde and yawned.

"Yeah, what do you need," Pidge asked.

"We're expecting a call from Emperor Lotor of the planet Diabazzal. It is a little odd because the Galra empire has always been very independent and has never really needed the Voltron coalition," answered Coran.

"Well let's see what they want," Shiro said in that voice he always used when he was serious.

I folded my arms and watched as Allura pulled up the video screen. It showed a galra with long white hair that sat on his shoulders, lavender skin, and dark purple eyes. He seemed familiar, but I don't think I've met him before.

"Paladins of Voltron, I-" he stopped and just looked at me, I raised my eyebrow.

"How can we help you Lotor," asked Shiro.

He turned his gaze back to everyone else. "Right, I wish to meet with you all in person, to discuss a rather important matter."

"Of course, I assume you wish to meet on Diabazzal?" asked Allura.

"I'm actually rather far from my home planet at the moment,"

"Well there is a Balmera close to where we are, I'll send the you the coordinates and we will meet there." said Coran.

"Perfect, tell then." said Lotor and the call ended.

Coran put the coordinates into the castle and then turned around. "We will be there in about thirty doboshes."

And with that, everyone proceeded to whatever weird things they do in their free time. I decided to go to my room, I was still uneasy from our last mission.

When I got there, I sat down on the bed and looked at my dagger. The only link I had to my past was my knife, when we first met the Blades, I had made it morph into a sword for the first time. They said that it had changed because I was part galra.

Someone knocked on my door.

"Go away Lance, I already said, I'm not in the mood for you." I said.

The door opened and Shiro walked in, "are you in the mood for me?"

I looked up, "oh, Shiro... sure, come in."

"Is the battle still bugging you?" he asked.

I sighed, "Shiro, the only thing I know about my past is my galra blood, I can't remember anything else sense before I became a paladin. That Blade could have been my only damn chance, and now he's dead."

~~~about thirty doboshes later~~~~

The castle landed on the glittering surface of the Balmera. We all walked out with Allura and Coran.

Then suddenly Shay ran up to us and hugged Hunk. "Hunk!"

"Shay!" they embrace each other, and I have to admit they look very cute together. And that's coming from me, the person who could not care less about mushy stuff.

"hey everyone, what brings you all here?" Shay asked the rest of us.

"We're meeting with Emperper Lotor." replied Pidge.

Just then, like it was on cue, a Galran ship entered the Atmosphere. When it landed, the door opened and Lotor walked out with four other Galrans that looked like they were halfbreeds as well. I swear I've seen Lotor somewhere, shit, why can't I figure it out?

Lotor and Allura walked forward and bowed. "Greetings princess, greetings paladins. Let me introduce you to my top generals," he moved to show the four other galrans behind him. "This is Acxa, Narti, Ezor, and Zethrid."

"It's good to see you Lotor. What did you need that was so important that we needed to meet so urgently?" asked Allura, getting to the point.

"Ah yes, I called you all her because of a matter that involves the Red Paladin." Lotor turned his gaze to me and I walked closer to him.

"How can I be of help." I asked.

"Tell me you remember." he said, holding my hand and catching me by surprise.

"What are you talking about?" I smiled nervously.

"Maybe this will help," he said to me, taking my right hand in both of his.

Suddenly, a bright white light began to glow from where our hands touched, and it spread across my entire vision. Even though it was so bright, it somehow didn't hurt my eyes.

Then it was like I was somewhere altogether, I was flying through my past. All of my memories, everything, came back to me in a matter of ticks.

The light then stopped. I opened my eyes to the real world once again. Everyone was looking at me, but my gaze was fixed on Lotor.

"Do you..." he hesinenty whispered.

I smiled as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. "I... I remember." I then lunged into his arms. I immediately kissed him with all my love.

"I missed you more than you will ever know, Purple Wolf." he whispered when our lips parted.

"I- I remember everything, but most of all you, my lover." then my brow furrowed, "and... I remember..." I grabbed the gun from Acxa's belt and turned around pointing it at Lance. "I remember what Alfor did."

I shot the laser at him and it hit his arm perfectly. He cried out in pain, and fell to the ground.

Shiro and Allura looked at me in shock as Pidge and Hunk ran over to the unconscious Lance.

"What are you doing!?" yelled Allura.

"Exactly what I need to." I replied and walked with Lotor and his generals onto their ship as it took off.


Things are getting interesting! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Most of this story is already written and I just have to paste it here, it only takes me a little bit. I'll post a new chapter soon! 🦄

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