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~~~in the rebel base~~~

(Lance's P.O.V.)

I was pacing across the floor of my room, Keith was in one of the healing pods we had salvaged from the wreckage of the castles of lions. Apparently after we fought, that Mullet didn't heal his wounds. So once two of the M.F.E.s had snuck onto the ship and knocked him out, we had to take him to the base and put him into a pod.

He's been in there for about half a day. I'm getting a little worried, we didn't know his injuries were this bad.

I can't get anything done, Romelle basically took over leading the rebellion (even if it hasn't been very long) and all I can do is sit and worry.

I got up and walked down to where we were keeping Keith, he was under constant watch, in case he woke up and we didn't know. I walked to the doors and the guards stepped back so I could enter.

I walked up to my he pod and looked at the sleeping raven haired boy.

I despise you. Keith's voice echoed in my mind.

"Keith... I don't care if that was all you for the past six deca pheobs, I'm going to get you back. I want it to go back to when you and I were friends, to when we were all family, and I want to be able to love you again." I murmured.

(Third person)

Pidge walked into the room and looked at Lance, her eyes were red from crying and it looked like she had gotten barely any sleep, "he and his empire have killed so many of our friends, but I want to believe that there is still good in him."

There was a long silence. Lance put his hand on the glass and closed his eyes.

"Our spies report that our plan worked, the empire is basically falling apart with the loss of of Lotor and the disappearance of Keith. I'm honestly surprised that James and Nadia were able to get you out unnoticed, even with all the bombs going off at once." Said Pidge.

"What's the bad news?" Lance asked.

Pidge hesitated, "well... the report said that Acxa has gotten most of the empire back on its feet, but her control isn't as firm as Keith or Lotor's. She and Luka are coming really close to finding Keith and they could could figure it out any day now."

Lance turned and looked back at Keith, "when is he supposed to wake up?"

"Anytime now, but I think Coran knows the exact point," she replied.

~~~ time skip of some amount of time ~~~

(Keith's P.O.V.)

My vision started to come back. At first it was just far away voices, then blurry colors, finally the entire room came into view.

Romelle, Lance, Pidge, Nyma, and Rolo were standing in front of me. Romelle's arm was clearly bandaged, sad... I was hoping for the damage to be a little more permanent. Rolo and Nyma were looking at me with pure disgust, I guess I did kill a few of there friends. And Lance and Pidge, they both look like there about to burst into tears, so pathetic... how did we never end up beating theses morons?

Everyone was just looking at me and not saying anything, it was kind of awkward. I tried to move my hands but they were tied to the chair I was siting in. "So... did you guys bring me to this room that looks like it used to be for storage, to interrogate me... or do you just not have prison cells?" I smirked.

"Surrender your Empire," Nyma said coldly.

"So we're getting right down to business? Well, I'm not going to, the empire is strong and will never bow to you, with or without my orders."

"Our spies say other things. You strong empire is crumbling," said Pidge.

"I trust Acxa. You speak highly of you gathered information, but how do you know that I don't have agents in this very room with us?" They all glared at me. They're so easy to read.

"Enough," Rolo took out his knife and pressed it against my throat. I could feel the warm blood start to drip down from the cut. "Just give us what we want, or I'll cut your damn throat open."

I smiled, "no you won't, torture is not how the rebellion works."

He let out a frustrated sigh and took away the knife.

Lance stepped forward and looked me in the eye. I sighed, "you going to get sentimental now, aren't you."

"Keith por favor, mataste a Allura ... y Romelle mató a Lotor. ¿Podemos empezar de nuevo en igualdad de condiciones?"

"Deberías haberte rendido, entonces ambos podrían haber muerto juntos. Pero no lo hiciste, es tu culpa que ella muriera dolorosamente. deberías haber escuchado sus gritos." I replied.

Quicker than I thought he could ever move, he back handed me across the face. My cheek was tingling painfully, that was surprising. I looked up to see everyone staring at us in shock, "I'm going to be honest, that was very out of character. I never thought you had it in you."

"Lance! Since when do you do that?!" Pidge almost yelled.

Lance glared at me, "never say that to me again."

"I like edgy Lance much better," I said.

"Rolo, Nyma, guard Keith. Pidge and Lance, come with me." Romelle commanded.

(Third person)

The three walked out, leaving the two former bounty hunters with Keith.

"We need a new plan," said Romelle after they shut the door, "Lance, clearly you can't get through to Keith."

"Just give me one more chance, you have no idea how much I need him back," he pleaded.

Romelle thought for a moment, "Keith is to dangerous, if you don't get through him... I'm going to use him to end this war my own way."

Lance sighed in defeat.

Lance walked to open the door and when he did, he gasped. Nyma and Rolo were lying on the ground.

Keith was gone.

Pidge knelt down and checked the bodies. "There alive, just unconscious," she let out a breath in relief.

Lance went to were Keith had been tied up and found tattered remains of the rope and a piece of paper, he picked it up and read it.

Try and catch me if you dare. Death will come.

Keith... I'm sorry, I'm going to get you back.


The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the author's note it's important.

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