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(Third person)

Keith layed with Lotor on his bed in the castle on Dibazzal. They held each other's hands, just enjoying their very overdue company.

"Can you tell me what you remember?" asked Lotor.

Keith smiled. "I remember everything. I remember growing up as a Blade and being assigned as your bodyguard, ...and I remember how Alfor killed my mentor, Kolivan."

Keith's grin faded and Lotor squeezed his hand, "what else?" he asked.

"I killed king Alfor for revenge, and was imprisoned for my actions. And then... I found the blue lion on earth with Hunk, Pidge, Shiro, and Lance."

"I see..." Lotor's face seemed to become more clouded.

"Lotor, you know what happened. You have to tell me!"

The tall male sighed, "brainwash. After you killed King Alfor, you were punished by being brainwashed and sent away to a planet that was many, many, galaxies away." Lotor was silent for a second, "but Keith, you have to believe me, I did everything I could to try to stop my father from doing this to you!"

"I know you did, but I'm here now, and you are the emperor. Nothing will tear us apart."

Lotor smiled and they kissed for about the fiftieth time. When their lips parted again, Keith's face showed sadness and anger, instead of happiness.

"What troubles you, my Purple Wolf?" Lotor's brow furrowed.

"Lance and Allura, Alfors children, I want to make them pay." Keith's face had darkened.

"Then it shall be done my love, Voltron will be destroyed." his lover replied.

~~~the castle of lions, floating in space~~~

(Lance's P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes and looked around, I was laying in a bed in the medical bay of the castle. Everyone was looking at me, that is, except for Keith. "What's going on," I asked everyone.

"Good, you're alive. What do you remember?" Shiro questioned.

"I remember getting to the Balmera, and meeting Lotor... and then everything after that is fuzzy."

"It's probably just blood loss." Pidge said.

"What happened?" I asked as Hunk handed me some water.

"Well..." Allura started, looking at everyone else nervously, "Keith shot you in the arm," my eyes widened, "After... kissing Lotor and him calling his lover."

I immediately spit out the water I was drinking as soon as Allura said those words. "¡No puedo creer esto! ¡El maldito Mullet del que estoy enamorado me disparó en el brazo y empezó a besarme con un príncipe espacial!" I yelled.

"What's wrong with him!?" asked Coran.

"It's nothing," replied Pidge, "Lance! You switched to Spanish again."

I caught my breath, "sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm just in shock, I can't believe what you just said."

"None of us can, but nonetheless, it happened." replied Shiro.

I felt anger boil up inside me. "No, I won't accept this, Keith would never do that to me, or any of us." I stood up and stomped to my room.

As soon as I was out of the room, I ran down the corridor. When I reached my room, I slammed the door and fell onto the bed.

"He would never do this. He is a paladin of voltron, he cares for his team members, he would never do this." I mumbled to myself.

~~~a few hours later~~~

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I had fallen off my bed onto the floor and alarms were blaring all around me.

"Paladins!" Allura's voice came over the speaker in my room. "One of Lotor's fleats is attacking the castle!"

I quickly got off the floor and was about to run out the door, when someone dropped in front of me.

"Oh hell!" I can't believe that he surprised me so much.

It was Keith, he was wearing the armor of Lotor's generals, and holding a glowing purple sword. He was different, his pale white skin had been changed to a light lilac color, and his small round ears were replaced with purple, fuzzy wolf like ears.

"I guess that's where the nickname came from," I couldn't help but make the comment, I don't know why.

"That's hilarious, as always." Keith said sarcastically, bearing his fangs as his blade glinted in the light.

"Keith you have to snap out of it, can't you see that this isn't you!" I said.

He chuckled a little and then quickly pounced on me, making me fall to the ground. Before I could react, he was sitting on top of me, with the blade in his hand.

"Don't do this." I stammered.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," he stabbed the sword into my thigh, making me cry out in pain. "Yet." he leaned closer until his lips were almost touching my ear. "This is a warning, death is coming. Voltron will be destroyed, and you and your sister will pay for what King Alfor did to me long ago."

My eyes went wider than I ever thought they could. And then, just like that, Keith vanished, leaving me on the ground with a deep stab wound in my leg.


If you're reading this, you haven't gotten bored of my book yet... and I'm really glad! I hope you liked the chapter, make sure to leave a comment! 🦄

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