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~~~in the castle on Dibazzal~~~

Keith opened the door to the room that he and Lotor shared. His lover sat on the bed reading some book.

"Are you finally ready to take a break from training and relax with me for a dobosh?" he said as he looked up.

"I've just had a lot on my mind, training clears my head." Keith responded.

Lotor chuckled, "you've been stressed? I'm the quiznaking emperor! Come here and sit with me."

Keith locked the door and smiled. He walked over and sat on the bed.

"May I?" asked Lotor, motioning to Keith's shirt.

"Please do," replied Keith, as Lotor grinned and pulled it off. "Now let me do the same."

"Of course, my Purple Wolf." said Lotor as Keith did the same.

"I love it when you call me that." Keith smiled as they lay down and hugged each other tightly.

Then it started, Lotor began to plant kisses all over Keith's neck and chest. The fluffy eared galra moaned in pleasure as he ran his hands through Lotor's silky white hair.

Then, out of nowhere, Lotor rolled the smaller galra on to his back, so that he was on top.

"Lotor-" started Keith, but the white haired male didn't let him finish. Lotor pressed his lips against Keith's to silence him. They both quickly melted into the kiss.

Keith's arms were wrapped around the taller galra's neck as Lotor twirled his lover's raven hair around his finger. He began to plant kisses on Keith's neck once again, this time moving quickly down to his chest, and then to his stomach. When he got to the bottom of his stomach, he stopped and began to fiddle with Keith's waist band.

Keith moaned again, making Lotor look up, "you're not going to stop me, my Purple Wolf?" 

"I'm too tired to resist, my love."

"As you wish" grinned Lotor, making Keith smile as their full on make out session began.

~~~the rebel base~~~

Everyone's eyes were wide. Pidge had put the information that her, Lance and Nyma had gotten into her machine and decoded it.

She had just told them what was going to happen in two months, and was very bad.

"Can you repeat what you said, I couldn't have heard you right." said Hunk.

"In two feebs, the Empire is going to hold a gathering to celebrate the marriage of Keith and Lotor, and Keith will become the Empress."

Lance's heart had shattered... Keith... his Keith... was getting married to the Emperor of the Empire. And even through all of this, Lance's mind still strayed to what the woman had said on Naxzela, was it true, did people really think Voltron was a destroyer? It didn't really matter anymore anyway, Voltron was no more. 

Lance couldn't take it anymore, he got up and walked out of the room, ignoring everyone's stares.

He walked down the long hallway to where he slept. He lay down on the bed after closing and locking the door, and looked around the room. It still didn't feel like home, even after six years, he still felt out of place.

His eyelids began to grow heavy and sleep started to wash over him. Everything faded into darkness.

(Lance's P.O.V)

I woke up abruptly, I must have drifted asleep at one point or another. I walked out of the room and strolled around the base, trying to calm myself.

Something's off. I can't hear the buzz of people rushing about, or the arguing from the mission room, it's too quiet. I have this terrible feeling in my stomach.

I raced to the main control room, I had to find someone. And I did find someone, as well as a very twisted sight.

I walked into the room to find Keith, his dark furry ears twitching slightly. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face, but that's not what made my stomach turn.

In his hand he held a bloodied sword, and in front of him lay the dead body of Allura, my beloved sister.

He slowly turned around to look at me, the yellow parts of his eyes glowing softly, his pupils turned into slits. His stare was cold and heartless, "I was waiting for you," he looked down at Allura's corpse lying motionless on the ground, "she was so easy, it almost made my revenge boring. Almost. Now it's your turn, too bad you're going to miss the wedding."

Keith smirked and walked towards me, I tried to back away from him, but something stopped me from moving my feet.

"Please don't do this, this isn't you," I pleaded as he raised his blade.

"I will finally wipe the last remnant of King Alfor from the universe." he brought the sword down on me and I shut my eyes and lifted my arms in defence, but the blow never came.

After a few ticks of waiting, I opened my eyes. I was no longer in the control room, I was standing in the castle of Dibzaal. I looked up to see Lotor and Keith standing in front of me, they were both wearing white tuxedos and looking at each other.

I watched as they kissed and cheering roared from behind me, I didn't want to watch, but I couldn't look away.

I woke up, breathing heavily. Thank the gods, it was only a fucking dream. There was a knock on the door. I slowly got up and unlocked it.

Alura was standing in the doorway, "I'm really sorry Lance, but we need you for planning."

"Alright, I'm coming."


The beautiful KEITOR! Hi, hope you like the chapter! 🦄

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