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(Lance's P.O.V.)
~~~in a cloaked pod, approaching Naxzela~~~

The plan was simple. Get onto the ship without being spotted, have Pidge hack into the system and find the control room, get there without being spotted, get the information, and get out.

If it's so easy, why am I so nervous? Probably because if we make one wrong move, I could get everyone killed. Maybe because the entire universe is counting on me and the rebellion. Maybe because... WHY THE HELL AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS!?

"Lance!" said Nyma, snapping me out of my thoughts just in time for me to not crash the pod into a giant rock.

"Are you alright?"

I sighed, "yeah, sure... I'm fine."

"Well can you stay fine? We need to focus." Pidge said as I landed the pod behind some boulders just above Lotor's ship.

We began to make our way down to the landed cruiser, making sure to stay hidden. But my mind kept straying. Pidge was right, I needed to focus. I was one of the three main leaders of the rebellion, and yet my teammates had to tell me to focus. No matter what I tried, I would always be the weak link, the goofball, the... WHAT THE FUCK!? STOP IT THOUGHTS!

We reached the ship and made our way around the front, staying out of the guard's sight. As we silently walked into the ship, behind the guard. Pidge and Nyma went in first.

I was about to follow, when something caught my eye. It was Lotor, he was making a speech to the inhabitants of the planets, or more like his subjects now. But it wasn't the Emperor I was attracted to, it was his general standing next to him. Keith. He looked so different, he looked like a Galra. He had killed many innocent lives, including Shiro. But even after all that, I still knew that it couldn't be him, he had to be under some sort of spell. Our Keith would never do that.

"Lance! Come on!" Pidge hissed from inside the doorway of the ship.

I quickly tore my gaze away from the small, beautiful, lilac colored galra, and joined my team in the ship. I can't believe I still have this stupid crush on that Mullet.

"Your head is really in the damn clouds, isn't it." stated Nyma in a hushed voice.

"Language!" said Pidge in a yell like whisper.

"Sorry, do you stuff Pidge." I whispered back.

Me and Nyma crouched in silence and high alert, behind a few crates, as Pidge worked her tech magic.

"Got it," she whispered, "follow me."

We snuck through the ships halls, trying our best to avoid guards. We rounded a corner and came face to face with an Altean guard. Before she could react, I pulled out my gun, and shot her in the chest. She fell to the ground, dead.

"Let's hurry this up," I said as I put away my gun.

"In here," said Pidge as she opened a door.

A sentry was guarding the control board, and Pidge quickly shut it down.

Nyma went with Pidge to the control panel as I kept watch at the door.

~~~at the celebration with Lotor and Keith~~~

(Keith's P.O.V.)

I sat with Lotor and the other generals at a table during a feast the inhabitants of this planet had thrown for us, to celebrate that Naxzela was under the protection of the Empire.

Something seemed off. I stood up and walked over to behind Lotor's chair. "Something isn't right, I'm going to look around the ship, my love."

"As you wish, my Purple Wolf, do you need for me to send a few guards with you?"

"Thank you, but I can handle it on my own." I said smiling.

"I have no doubt in you," Lotor said as he kissed me on my cheek.

I then walked into the ship, both the guards bowed as I walked by. I held my sword by my side as I walked through the purple and grey halls of the ship I had shared with Lotor for many deca pheobs.

I turned a corner to find one of the guards dead on the floor. I knelt down and examined the bullet hole in her chest. The blood was still fresh and dripping out of the wound. I was right, someone is here.

I stood up and continued walking, then I saw a quick flash of blue in the doorway ahead of me.

I entered the room with my sword drawn, but there was no one there. The only thing in the room was a very damaged sentry, that was still shooting sparks.

One of the guards walked past the door, but I quickly stopped him. "We have unwanted visitors in this cruiser, find them!" I said.

"Right away sir, Vrepid sa." the galran saluted, and then quickly ran the other way.

"Vrepid sa."

I turned around and walked to the control panel. What did you take, intruders? I looked through the files, but I didn't get very far before a virus popped up on the screen. I recognized it immediately, it was one of Pidge's. "So, the damn rebellion got their hands on this information, good for them, we'll be ready."

"Get a scientist to the control room immediately." I ordered through the speakers.

In a few doboshes, the Altean stood in the door. "How may I be of service sir?" she asked, and bowed.

"Wipe the ship of this virus." I replied pointing at the control panel.

"Of course." she rushed over to the panel and began typing quickly.

I then walked back to the festival to inform my lover.

~~~in the vents of Lotor's ship~~~

(third person)

When Lance had seen Keith coming down the hall towards them, he had immediately forced everyone into the vents as soon as Pidge had finished hacking the system and getting the info they needed.

They had just barley closed the grate when Keith entered the room.

The group crawled through the vent system and ended up back in the entrance to the ship. Lance, Nyma, and Pidge, quickly ran back to their ship.

As they were about to get to the pod, they ran into an alien woman with a baby in her hands.

"Leaving the celebration so soon, strangers?" she asked.

Lance couldn't help himself, "how can you celebrate the fact that your planet was just taken over by the Lotor and his evil Empire?"

"What are you talking about? Lotor is a kind emperor and allows all the planets he protects to live freely, and continue to rule themselves. He doesn't force anyone to fight against the rebellion, and protects all his subjects."

"But he destroyed Voltron, he's a villain," said Pidge.

"Voltron only ever helped those who joined their special coalition. Everyone else was left to die." the woman said.

"That's not true! Voltron protected everyone, and that's what we're trying to do as well!" snapped Lance, he couldn't believe what the woman had said.

The woman's eyes widened, "you're helping them, aren't you." she turned to a passing patrol, and pointed at Lance. "The rebellion."

The guards immediately ran to protect the woman and her child.

"Let's get out of here." said Nyma as they ran off to their ship and fled the planet.

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