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Suddenly, Allura's scream came through the earpiece.

Lance's eyes widened, he ran as fast as he could out of the courtyard, not even thinking about trying to sneak away.

He bolted down the hallway to the control room, he was almost there when he found Allura lying limp on the ground. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and her hair lay in thin strands across her face.

Lance bent down to look her over, "Allura," he whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He rolled her over onto her back and was about to lift her up when the cold metal of a blade touched his neck.

"Here you are, little blue," growled a voice from behind him.

Lance didn't need to turn around to know who it was, "Lotor," he snarled. "Is this your doing, bitch?"

Lotor chuckled, "Hardly, I couldn't steal my Purple Wolf's revenge. He killed her and then went to find you, but don't worry, he's on his way back to you at this very moment."

Lotor pressed the sword a little farther into Lance's neck, making him bleed slightly. "So this was all a trap, was that even you at the wedding?"

"Of course not, we've known about your little plan for phoebs."

Just then Rolo, Nyma, Romelle, and Pidge rounded the corner.

"Lance! Are you alright!?" said Rolo, his gaze moving from Lance to Lotor.

"I'm fine, where's Hunk and Veronica?"

"Dead, Acxa and Luka killed them both." replied Nyma.

"She's right, We did." said another voice from the shadows.

Acxa, Sendak, Luka, and Keith stepped into the open. "Let's finish this," said Keith.

Pidge launched herself at Acxa, dodging her gun shot and trying to shock her with her bayard.

Sendak ran at Rolo with his robotic arm, Nyma fired her gun straight at him, just missing his head and hitting his ear. Sendak hissed in pain and grabbed Rolo, his metal claws slowly close on him.

"Luka, tie Lance up!" said Keith as he lunged toward Romelle, his sword's purple glow brightened.

Luka was behind Lance in one swift move. Lotor removed the sword from the Cuban boy's neck, and Luka quickly replaced it with a dagger. Lance gulped. "I wouldn't move if I were you." she said as she dragged him to a pillar and bound his hands with a rope. Only when Lance was completely tied, she took the dagger off his throat.  

Oddly, Keith and Romelle were more or less equally matched, both of them easily dodging and only getting a few hits off one another. Romelle's skill didn't last long though, after many failed lunges at her, Keith managed to stab her in the stomach. She fell to the ground, not dead, but rendered almost completely useless in the fight.

"Lotor!" Keith shouted, running towards the white hair male.

Lotor quickly turned around and swiftly hoisted the smaller Galra onto his hands. Keith jumped off of Lotor with enough force to get him over Sendak.

Keith landed in front on Nyma, knocking her over separating her from Rolo and Sendak.  The pale yellow bounty hunter quickly fired her gun, missing Keith's head by a few feet.

"That was really terrible aim," Keith said.

"Really, I'd say it was rather perfect," she replied, smirking.

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