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(third person)
~~~six years later~~~

Keith was true to his word, six deca phoebs later, Voltron had been destroyed. Almost all the planets were under the rule of the Empire. Everything was going perfectly, with the exception of the small rebellion that had formed, led by Allura.

Keith, Lotor, Sendak, and Acxa, sat at the war table with a few other generals.

"I still don't think being allied with the Alteans in a universal war is the best idea." said one of the generals.

"Oh? And why is that, general Ranveig?" asked Lotor in a chilling voice.

"We are seeking to kill their prince and rightful Queen, all because of what their last king did. Are we not worried they will revolt, due to our actions against their leaders?"

Keith stood up, "the Alteans are their own people, they have no influence from their former rulers, or even us. They could leave the war at any time, but they will always have the protection of the empire."

"What do you know about the strength of an empire, lowly halfbreed?" he sneered.

Immediately, Keith lunged forward at the general with his blade drawn. The glinting metal easily penetrated his armor, and thrust into his chest. Keith stood over the dead galran's body. He looked around at the rest of his commanders, "anyone else?" he growled, his eyes narrowing.

The room was silent, Lotor grinned at his beloved lover.

"Good," Keith pulled his blood soaked sword out of the corpse and left the room.

~~~Thayserix, the secret base of the rebel force~~~

The lions were gone, and the rebellion was the only fighting force they had left. Shiro, Matt, and Kingcade, had been killed in battal. Allura, Lance, and Romelle led the force of the rebellion against the growing empire. Pidge and Hunk were constantly sifting through coded information, trying to one up the Empire. And Earth had been taken over, and only a few humans had joined the rebellion, everyone else had surrendered peacefully to the empire's terms. 

Lance stood looking out the window of their hidden base, he watched the gas clouds swirl around the electric planet of Thayserix. The odd magnetic poles would wreak havoc on any ship's sensors that tried to enter the atmosphere, or even get too close to the planet.

"Brother." Allura's voice cut through Lance's thoughts.

"Yes?" he replied bluntly, still looking out the window.

"It's time for the meeting." she said.

Lance sighed and got up from the windowsill. "Lets go."

They walked down the hall together in silence, Allura looked at her younger brother. "Lance... you've been different lately, you don't have that Sparkle in your eye that you used to."

The Cuban boy sighed again, "were at war Allura, and not just any war, were battling Keith and his people. Keith! El amor de mi vida!"

Allura put a hand on his shoulder, "I... I know it's hard to accept, but I may be the time to put Keith in the past. We don't know why he would betray us, but he did. It's been six deeca pheebs, you have to realize... he's not coming back to us."

Lance pushed his sister away from him, "eso es una ly, Keith volverá." Lance ran down the hall to the meeting room of the base, not waiting for Allura to catch up.

Lance walked into the room, holding back tears. Hunk, Pidge, Rolo, Coran, Romelle, Veronica, three of the M.F.E. pilots, and multiple rebel commanders were already there.

"I thought Allura was going to get you, where is she?" Pidge questioned.

"She'll... be her in a tick." Lance said, as he sat down.

His sister came in shortly. She sat down at her seat, and only looking at Lance for a split tick, before directing her attention to Pidge.

Pidge stood in front of a large screen in the front of the room. "Here's why you all are here, there is a war going on, and we need to stop it. Hunk and I have recently found some interesting code from the empire. It translates to some sort of important event that is going to happen in about two months."

"Two what?" asked Coran.

"Sorry, two pheobs." replied Pidge. Everyone non-human in the room nodded.

"I suggest we send in a unit as soon as possible to gather information about this event." stated Allura, "the unit will sneak aboard Lotor's main ship, and extract what we need. According to our intell, the ship is due to land on Naxzela, a planet recently taken by the Empire."

"I apologize for questioning your orders, commander Allura," said Rolo, "but, Lotor's main ship? That cruiser is probably the most guarded in all of the empire."

"Which is why it will have everything we need." responded Allura, "it is a big risk, but if we don't take these chances, this war may never end."

"Well, sense we're doing this, we need to create a small group to sneak in and get what we need." Romelle stood up and pulled up a picture of the ship on the screen."

"I'll lead it," stated Lance.

"I'll come too," said Pidge.

"Count me in." replied Nyma.

"Ok, we have our team, now for the plan." started Allura.

Hi! I really hope you're enjoying the story so far! 🦄

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