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(third person)
~~~ten thousand years later~~~

The paladins of Voltron walked into the main control room, where Allura and Coran were waiting for them.

"Well done paladins! The villages of planet Purig are now free of bandits, thanks to you," Allura congratulated.

"She's right, good job everyone, another mission completed," Shiro said as he took off his helmet.

"And that parade wasn't bad either, it could have been a little more razzle dazzle though," Lance replied.

Keith rolled his eyes.

Lance and Allura had just figured out that they were brother and sister. Since then, Altean marks had appeared on Lance's cheeks and his hair had turned white. Not to mention he started to wear some of Allura's dangle purple earrings.

"You all have another mission in about two vargas," said Coran. "I suggest getting some rest."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Hunk yawned. "I'm going to sleep." He walked out of the room to his bed, followed closely by Pidge.

"In that case, I'm going to have a spa day! Lance out!" Lance walked to his room to start his odd face ritual, that Keith never understood.

Shiro and Keith left together as well.

"I'm getting a little confused," Allura said when she and Coran were the only people in the room.

"What's the matter, princess?" asked Coran.

"We've been working with Voltron for feebs, and there's been no sign of any war. Maybe Honerva's vision was wrong, maybe she only told father about it for personal gain."

"Princess, Honerva was a master alchemist and one of king Alfor's most trusted friends. She would never lie. And even if she was wrong, it's a good thing that there's no war," Coran replied.

Allura smiled. "Your right."


Keith had parted with Shiro, and headed to the training deck. Keith never really got tired quickly, he was usually up a night until around three in the morning.

He entered the training room, took off his jacket, and grabbed his bayard. "Training level three," he yelled.

The gladiator dropped from the ceiling and began sparing. After a few doboshes, Keith easily destroyed the robot. The gladiator pieces disappeared and the level four robot fell and they began sparing. As he fought, his mind drifted to the events of the morning.

~~~flashback to this morning~~~

Voltron was fighting bandits on the planet Purig with the help of the Blade of Marmora. Shiro, Hunk, and Lance were protecting the village from more attackers. Keith and Pidge were backed up near the cliffs a little outside of the village with some of the Blades.

Keith was slashing at his attackers by the cliffs and found himself cornered with one of the Marmora agents he didn't recognize. Both of them immediately started slicing through the bandits, Keith with his bayard and the agent with his luxite blade. Soon all of the bandits that had cornered them had fallen to the ground, none of them moving even a little bit.

The agent turned to Keith to thank him. When he looked at him, his eyes went wide. "Purple Wolf... is that you?"

"Wh...what are you talking about?" Keith stuttered.

"You-" he didn't finish his sentence, a bandit had stabbed him through the chest from behind. The Blade falls down dead.

Keith felt anger boil up inside himself. "That could have been the only way I could know anything about my past!" he yelled as he killed the bandit with his sword.

~~~back in the present~~~

Keith was pulled out of his thoughts when a very loud song came over the speakers on the training deck.


(Keith's P.O.V.)

You have got to be fucking kidding me. I turned around to see Lance leaning against the wall farthest from me with a weird altean phone in his hand and an evil smile on his face, he had gotten into a really annoying habit of following me around.


"Lance, you damn bitch! Turn that off!" I yelled. I'm really not in the mood for this.

He stopped the music and walked over. "I was only trying to get your attention, I've been here for a few quintents, but I couldn't get you out of your weird fighting trance thingy."

I rolled my eyes. "Lance, quintents means days, not minutes."

"Oh... hehe... I guess I still don't have everything figured out." he said and put his hand on the back of his head, and blushed.


"Anyway, tell me what you want and leave, I really don't want to be around your optimism right now."

"Actually... I was hoping I could train with you," he blushed harder, but tried to hide it.

As soon as he finished, I kicked his legs out from under him and he fell to the ground. "You are nowhere near my level." Lance groaned, "I'll admit, you did cheer me up a little."

Suddenly, Allura came onto the speaker. "Paladins, come to the control room, it's important."

I grabbed my jacket, Lance got up, and we went to the castle main control room.


Hi again. Hope you like the chapter. I'll try to post the next one soon. 🦄

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