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(Keith's P.O.V.)
~~~two months later~~~

"Look at you, kneeling before me in chains like the damn coward you are."

I expected him to yell at me, spit vile curses, but he didn't. He just sat there looking at me with a straight face, his eyes said it all. Lance's eyes were an ocean of anger and rage, even sadness and despair. But most of all, regret.

"Your death will not be short, savor these last vargas of your life. I will return soon, I must mourn my fallen lover."

With that, I turned and left the cell, slamming the heavy metal door. "This door stays locked until I return, no one goes in or out." I said to the guard.

"Of course, my Emperor." the galra bowed.

I continued down the hall, clenching my fist. He was right, I was Emperor now.

Lotor was dead.

This wasn't how it was meant to go. I tightened my fist, turning my knuckles white. I turned the corner to see Acxa standing in front of me.

She immediately pulled me into a hug. She was like a sister to me and I couldn't help but feel comforted by her embrace. "It's going to be fine, Keith. We will honor him and destroy Voltron in his name."

"I really hope you're right."

~~~in Lance's cell~~~

(third person)
Lance sat on the cold floor of his cell with his hands chained to the wall. his thoughts drifted to earlier that day, at the beginning of all this chaos.

~~~flashback to that morning~~~

They all stood in the main control room of their cloaked battleship, one of the only ones they had.

"We'll be landing soon, keep your guard up. Our goal is to blow up the Diabazaal castle and capture Keith or Lotor, make them stop this war." said Allura.

"Princess, I'm worried. Taking hostages and killing lives has never been the Atlean way." Coran stated.

"You're right, it hasn't. But the Alteans- my people- have sided with Lotor and his empire, they have helped him destroy countless people from the rebellion, and they have taken over the universe in his name. I am willing to do anything to restore peace."

Coran nodded as the ship landed on the rocky surface of Diabazaal.

"Here we are, split off into your groups. If things get hairy, Coran and the M.F.E.s will provide cover for us from the ship." Pidge said quietly.

Lance headed towards Romelle, Veronica, and Hunk, but he stopped and turned to Allura. She was talking to her group of Rolo, Nyma, and Pidge.

He touched her shoulder and she turned around to look at him. "I just want you to stay safe." he said.

Alura pulled him into a tight hug, "you too. Please don't die, even if the two of us have the biggest targets of our backs. I love you."

"I love you too, sis."

With that, the two groups broke off from each other, Allura's group would sneak into the communications room and disconnect the castle from any empire fleets, so they couldn't call for help. And Lance's group would plant the explosives near the courtyard where the wedding was taking place.

They all had earpieces in so that they could speak with each other the entire time.

Lance's team snuck through the long twisting halls of the castle, planting bombs out of sight on pillars.

They came to the courtyard where the wedding had started. Lance couldn't help but look towards the many species all gathered to see the marriage.

"Lance!" Veronica's voice pierced his thoughts, as she pulled him back, closer to her. "What were you thinking!? You started to walk out into the open, what if someone saw you!?"

"Sorry sorry, but I have an idea. I'm going to plant the explosives on the outer exposed walls around the courtyard." he slowly moved away from them, but Romelle grabbed his arm.

"That's a death sentence, if a single quiznaking person spots you... you're dead," she said.

"Think about it, if I do this, when the bombs go off almost no one would be able to follow us."

"He has a point." agreed Veronica.

"Your siding with him!? Can't you tell how dangerous this is!?" hissed Romelle.

"I'm with Romelle, this is too risky," Hunk stated.

"I'm not saying it isn't dangerous, but it could help us drastically," Veronica shot back.

"But-" Romelle couldn't finish her sentence .

"Escucha. Perdí a Keith. No voy a perder a nadie más, estoy tomando este riesgo para proteger a la persona que amo. mi familia, todos ustedes." Lance said, looking at them.

"You switched to spanish again Lance... but that sounded very sweet." Hunk replied.

"Oh whatever, anyway, I'm doing this. you guys keep planting the bombs and I will meet you back at the ship."

"Fine, but please don't get hurt." said Veronica as they ran the other way.

When they were out of sight, Lance quickly darted behind a column and into the courtyard. He started to place and set the explosives on the wall, making sure to stay out of sight of any guard or guest.


Hi! I know it's weird that the flash back in this chapter will continue in the next one, just bare with me! Remember to Leave a comment about what you thought of the chapter! 🦄

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