🌸CHAPTER 39: Could Have Been, Should Have Been🌸

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Allison was still unconscious, and Luther was still completely out of it after witnessing the woman on Death's doorstep. The two remained in the infirmary the entire time, both of them oblivious to their other siblings searching for Vanya. It didn't take long for Klaus, Diego, Five and Ellie to discover that Vanya was nowhere to be seen, and after a little gathering on the staircase and Diego walking out, they ended up dispersing, Ellie being the only one to check up on Luther and Allison.

The teenage girl padded through the marble floors until she reached the double doors that led to the infirmary. There she saw Luther, Grace and Pogo hovering over Allison, much like they all were a few hours ago. She stayed back as to not interrupt the conversation they were having but, she couldn't help but hear snippets of it.

"Is she gonna make it?" Luther asked, his head tilting up slightly towards Grace hopefully.

"Yes. Ellie was able to help her grasp on what little life she had when you found her. But I'm afraid her vocal Chords were badly damaged." The Robot said in her usual warm tone, while wiping up the dried up blood that remained on Allison's neck and chin.

"Will she be able to talk?" The burly man asked once again, but Grace could only give him a sympathetic smile in reply.

"More Importantly, thanks to you and your brothers, and of course Miss Eleanor's powers, she's still with us. Grace and I can take it from here Master Luther. Go. Rest." Pogo told the man, but instead of complying, Luther's face hardened. His jaw looking like it was going to snap from how hard he was biting.

"You are the last person I would let stay here. I'm not going anywhere." Luther said with much venom in his words, making Pogo retreat and nod to Grace, both of them bumping into Ellie as they exited the room. Ellie peered in before taking a breath and stepping inside.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do any more Luther." Ellie kept her hands around her as she entered the premises, her voice catching Number One off guard.

"You're the reason she's even still breathing Elle, and I couldn't be more thankful for that." Luther said with a voice opposite of what he had used with Pogo just a minute before. He didn't take his eyes away from the woman on the bed as he spoke.

"She may not be able to speak for a while, and I wish I could help her, but right now, it's up to her to heal. And if it's any consolation, Al is a tough woman, you of all people should know that by now." Luther finally let out a breathy chuckle at her expense, making the young girl smile widely at him. No words were shared between them, knowing fully there were no use for them at the time, but alas it had to be broken, just to remind you that they were still in fact within the grounds of the academy some chaos needed to ensue somehow. The series of shouts had graced the infirmary walls, the sound emanating from within the halls made the girl roll her eyes in annoyance, offering Luther a small smile to which the man nodded in understanding.

"I guess I'm obliged to check on those idiots. I'll leave you here Luther." the man nodded once again as Ellie walked away and into the receiving area where Klaus and Five were bickering. Klaus looked as he always does, but Five looked like he was about to erupt and destroy anything in his path. Ellie stood not far from them, gauging the situation before making a move to break them apart.

"You and I, were not alike." Five sneered, pointing a finger at Klaus's chest to make his point. To salt whatever wound he made, Klaus chuckled sarcastically before countering.

"I've seen that look in the eye of someone who doesn't know who they are without their high anymore. Trust me. Just let it go." Whatever it was they were bickering about, it got Five worked up to the max, and him throwing the glass eye into the wall shattering it to nothing, only proved it. The sudden show of aggression startled Ellie making her squeak out uncontrollably, this then caused the two men to look at her direction. Five didn't bother to drag the girl into his anger, so he walked away.

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