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Walking back to Luke's pack house was awkward to say the least. Neither one of us talked and occasionally his hand would brush mine, but he quickly stuffed both his hands in his pockets. To top it all off he would mutter words under his breath which were hard to understand, but I caught a couple of words and I knew instantly he was talking to his wolf. And sadly his wolf was winning. 

He kept running his fingers through his hair and his breathing was labored so I grabbed his hand in mine and wrapped our fingers together. I saw his eyes widen and he looked at our hands. I gave him a smile and he gave me a shy one and for the rest of the time getting there we stayed like that. 

"Just as a warning, my pack is a little crazy and wild. Just ignore them and you'll be fine." He said and I nodded in replied. He opened the door after taking a deep breath and he wasn't kidding when he said crazy. 

There was a raven haired wolf chasing a blonde haired wolf around the living room. Luke let out a sigh before letting go of my hand telling me to stay put. "Hey, what the hell is going on?" He growled in his alpha voice which made the house shake. I cringed and saw a drop gorgeous girl run from the kitchen to Luke. He looked the raven haired boy, but her hair was lighter. 

"Jason calm down." The girl put her hands on Luke's shoulders and took him somewhere leaving me in the doorway. 

Who the hell is Jason?

"You must be here for dinner." I heard someone say behind me which made me jump. I nodded and at Ashton who smiled and laughed at me reaction. "Hi Dani. Sorry you had to see the house so... messy." He walked past me and into the kitchen to put bottles of wine in the cooler. 

"Is it always like this?" I asked, leaning against the kitchen.

"I guess you asking about Luke?" He asked and I nodded. "He never used to be, but since he became alpha he's just, he just doesn't know his strengths yet. He doesn't realized how strong and powerful he is and until he gets a handle on it, he'll always be like that. Plus his wolf isn't helping either. But this is why you're here."

"What do you mean?" I was confused by his statement. I always thought you're wolf was supposed to be your partner in crime, not worst enemy.

"Luke's never had good past. You can see it on his face. His wolf always tells him negative things and it effects Luke emotionally and physically. One day you'll understand the physically part, but he doesn't open up and I try along with Mali to get him to open up about his past, but he always goes on a rampage. He loses control of himself and we don't know who it is. It's a sight no one show ever want to see."

"Why can't he control his wolf? I mean I'm an alpha and I can control my wolf. We get along perfectly."

"Dani. Luke wasn't born a true alpha. I wish I could tell you, but it's not my story to tell." Ashton smiled. Just then the girl with beautiful hair walked down the stairs. 

"Hello, I'm Mali-Koa. Sorry you had to see that, he should be down in a minute. How about we go sit at the table and wait for him. Calum, Michael, dinner!" Mali yelled to the two boys who were running around earlier.

We all sat around the table. They left a spot open for Luke which was at the head of the table. I sat next to that chair the raven boy who I assume was Mali brother. "Hi, I'm Calum Hood. And this freak with purple hair is Michael." He whispered into my ear. I started laughing and everyone looked at me and joined. Michael glared at Calum which made me laugh harder. 

I heard footsteps and I stopped laughing along with everyone else. Luke took his seat at the head of the table and the tension was so thick you would have to cut with a saw. Mali passed around the pot with the pasta in it. It smelled so good and looked so delicious. Ashton passed around the wine and I hesitantly took the bottle and poured the purple liquid into my glass before handing it Luke. 

"So Dani, tell us about yourself." Mali said and I gulped nervously. 

"Well, I'm a pretty closed in person. I live with my aunt, uncle, and brother. I don't really have many friends, well besides Ashton, but other then that I don't have anyone. I'm have a bit of alpha blood in me so if I get a little possessive or aggressive and that's really it. I'm a boring person." I said, moving my food around my plate, ignoring everyone gaze.

"You apart of the silver moon pack right?" Luke asked. I nodded and looked down at my lap. "My mum was apart of that pack." Luke mutter before filling his mouth with food. I looked up at him and he gave me a sincere smile and I found myself doing the same. 

Maybe having Luke as a mate isn't so bad.


After dinner Luke took me outside just to get away from the house. He had my hand in his and gave a comforting feeling. He kept humming and it made me smile. "What are you smiling about?" Luke said looking at me with a smile. 

"You were humming and it was beautiful. You have an angels voice." I looked at him and he scoffed. 

"No, but honestly it calms me down. When I was a kid my mother would sing to me when I had a bad dream and I guess I still do it. It's like when I hold your hand you get all protective and comfortable. You were obviously traumatized as a child and didn't have anyone to comfort you."

"How'd you know?" I asked, looking at the ground. 

"I can sense what you're feeling. People only feel protective or comfortable when something horrible happened to them in the life. It's like PTSD, but you found comfort in others. Holding hands with me is like you're way of calming yourself down. Like my humming. It's what makes us feel okay." He said. 

"I'll tell you my back story if you tell me yours." I said looking at him. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes before nodding. His grip on my hand tighten and we walked in a different direction.

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